ipfs_gateway - lexansoft/etherid.org GitHub Wiki

EtherId/IPFS Gateway

IPFS Gateway is a Javascript redirector into the IPFS local daemon (http://localhost:8080).

the script reads the url string, extract the EtherID domain and ID, calls the local ethereum node and if the ID has a value, then it interprets it as a multihash (sha256-256) value and redirect to the ipfs daemon.

In order to work the gateway needs an Ethereum node be installed and running as well as the IPFS daemon.

The format of the gateway call is:


The default for {ID} is "ipfs"


All four following examples will result to the same IPFS page:


Note, if your domain or id has a dot in the name, you can use URL encoding to properly specify the url. For example if you want to access ID "my.id" in the domain "test.com", then you should use:
