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EasyAvatar how/Why?
EasyAvatar is a system for unity to add objects that are skinned meshes or have a "rig", and copy them over to a parent mesh that is also skinned.
Why would I use this?
If you are making 3d assets for your games and want a system for adding components to the skinned mesh renderer that will copy the rig behavior of its parent, this is for you. An example of this would be a clothing system that moves with a character, or body parts that are properly weighted from the click of a button.
That sounds complicated!
It isn't! The bulk of this project is and will hopefully always remain around 5 lines of code! Unity's built in bone system for rigged meshes works really well. This program simply utilizes the system in the easiest way imaginable to get the results expected!
If it is so simple, what is with all these other files/folders?
All of that can be deleted. The only file you need to make this system work is the AvatarManager.cs c# script and and an ultra cursory understanding of the language. The rest of the files and folders are examples of how I set of the scene that comes with the project. I made this scene as functional and light weight as possible to demonstrate what it can do.
Can I use this in my game/asset/whatever?
Sure. I'd appreciate some credit, as this file was created after many hours scouring the internet and forums and fixing other peoples very poor code. Other solutions to this you will find don't make any sense whatsoever.
Can I use the models for free?
I made the models in MakeHuman and blender. I manipulated the models slightly, but the license still mainly rests on them. The clothing or hair you can feel free to take.