Basic syntax - levkopo/VenusScript GitHub Wiki

VenusScript has a simple syntax. Lines of code are written on a new line without semicolons, which makes writing code easier.

Example: print("Hello World!")

Variable types

Type Description
any Combines all types
array Array value
bool Boolean value
decimal Double value
ref Function reference
int Number value
string String value
void Nobody (only for functions)
map Table (Map) value

Variable declaration

name = value


Function having string and int parameters with string return type:

def func(string a, int b): string{
    return a+b

Functions do not require anything to be returned. Therefore, if the code does not return a value, then the function will return null. Specify a void return type if you don't return anything. You can choose not to specify the return type. The parser will understand this and indicate the return type any. Example:

def func(){
    return "string value"


Only single-line comments work in VenusScript, but block comments may appear soon

#This is single-line comment

Conditional expressions

if a==b {
}else {

Get and verify variable type

println(*a) #Print "string"
println((*a) == (*string)) #Print true

for loop

# 0..10
for i in (0, 10) {

# 16, 18, 20, 22, 24
for i in (16, 24, i + 2) {
   println("i = " + i)

# Array
array = [1, 5, 3, 5, 6]
for i in array {
    print(i + " ")

while loop

i = 0
while i < 3 {
    println("i = " + i)
    i = i + 1