Tasks BaseTools Python3 Support - lersek/edk2 GitHub Wiki
This task updating the existing Python-base BaseTools to run under both Python 2.7 and Python 3.0.
Not started.
- AutoGen
- Common
- CommonDataClass
- Workspace
- Table
- build
- Eot
- GenFds
- GenPatchPcdTable
- PatchPcdValue
- Trim
- Difficulty: Complex
- Language: Python
- Suggested by:
- Required completion date: End of year, 2020
- Individual tools use shared modules that will need to be ported prior to
- Current sources contain depricated content
- Files need to conform to the Python Coding Style Guideline and pass pylint
- Several standard Python module functions are overridden for handling long
- Several filenames are duplicated in different directory trees
- Some imports are ambiguous
Location of Source Code:
[[email protected]:tianocore/edk2.git BaseTools/Source/Python]
Update content to conform to Coding Style (see below)>
Modules must pass pylint - a custom pylint RC file is available.
Python files must start with the standard header
Update code, replacing deprecated modules with newer modules.
First line python code statement in each file must be:
- All tools are 32-bit versions of the tools, in order to create Win32
Python 2.7.x
- must be able to run with 2.7.3 or later Python 3.x.x
- must be able to run with 3.4.x or later pip
- recommended version is 8.1.1
- used to install other modules logilab-common
- 1.2.0 or later logilab-astng
- 0.24.3 or later pylint
- 1.5.5 or later astroid
- 1.4.5 or later uuid
- 1.20 pywin32
- 217 or later antlr-python-runtime
- 3.0.1 ONLY cx-Freeze
- 4.3.4 or later
Python PEP-8 Coding Style Guidelines
Python PEP-257 Docstring Conventions
- Maximum line length for code: 100 characters
- Maximum line length for comments and docstrings: 72 characters
- Regular Expressions allow camel case: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]{2,30}$
- Const Regular Expressions: (([gA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__))$
- min-similarity-lines=10
- ignored-classes=SQLObject
- generated-members=REQUEST,acl_users,aq_parent
- dummy-variables-rgx=_|dummy
- max-args=12
- max-locals=25
- max-returns=10
- max-branches=25
- max-statements=100
- max-attributes=15
- min-public-methods=0
- deprecated-modules=regsub,string,TERMIOS,Bastion,rexec,optparse
- Python 2.7.x requires all files to be endcoded on disk as ASCII, not UTF-8.
All modules must be able to execute from source with both Python 2.7.x and Python 3.x.x.
The following two files should be removed: