Minimum Platform Architecture MinPlatform - lersek/edk2 GitHub Wiki
The Minimum Platform Architecture (MPA) creates guidelines for how to design, enable improvements in quality and security on open source platform initialization development on firmware for Intel products.
The main MinPlatform Package (MinPlatformPkg) provides a consistent boot flow and well-defined interfaces to support board functions.
- How to download and build
EDK II Minimum Platforms
Kaby Lake MinPlatform - EDK II platform firmware on 7th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors and chipsets (formerly Kaby Lake platforms).
Project Olympus (Purley MinPlatform) - EDK II platform firmware for the Open Compute Project (OCP) Intel XSP Motherboard.
Note: Purley board support is no longer available in the codebase.
Whiskey Lake MinPlatform - EDK II platform firmware on 8th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors and chipsets (formerly Whiskey Lake platforms).