Efi shell - lersek/edk2 GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the EFI-SHELL Project. The purpose of this project is to allow the EFI Shell application code to become an open-source component of the EDK and the "Framework". The EFI Shell was released under the BSD license. Working with the SHELL The EFI Shell is a simple, interactive environment that allows EFI device drivers to be loaded, EFI applications to be launched, and operating systems to be booted. In addition, EFI Shell also provides a set of basic commands used to manage files and the system environment variables etc. The EFI-SHELL is an EFI Application that is also existent in the EDK Project as a binary.
The EFI Shell was created for building EFI Shell and user-defined EFI Shell applications. To use the EFI Shell, users should install the EFI Developer Kit (EDK) first. Please refer the EDK Getting Started Guide (pdf) to install the EDK. Install the same EDK that is the same snapshot mentioned in the EFI Shell "EDK_Snapshot.txt"
The following bullets provide information on how to download, build and use the EFI-SHELL:
- Download snapshots of development or official releases of the "EFI-SHELL". Simply click on the link and choose the latest development or official version to start the download process.
- Download the "EFI Shell Getting Started Guide" (pdf) for guidance on building and using the EFI-SHELL to develop and test drivers.
The EFI-SHELL project team is primarily comprised of Intel platform engineers, but the door is open to external engineers to join this blended team of professionals. Companies and individuals that may want to join the EFI-SHELL development team include:
- Independent Hardware Vendors (IHVs)
- Independent BIOS Vendors (IBVs)
- Original Equiment Manufacturers (OEMs)
- Operating System Developers
- Open BIOS Engineers
- Educational Institutions
Handy Links
- Link to the Intel EFI 1.10 Specification (on Intel's Site)