Community Virtual Meetings Archive - lersek/edk2 GitHub Wiki

October 2018 Meeting 2


We will be holding the second (of many) community meetings in hopes of receiving feedback as well as raising any new ideas or concerns.

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North America / Europe Meeting
Asia Pacific / Europe Meeting

Some initial topics that may be discussed include:

  • Patch System Discussion V2 (Pull Requests vs Mailing Lists)
  • Microsoft's Project Mu
  • Use of standard C types
  • Removing support for old compilers (e.g. GCC44)
  • Sharing dev branches earlier
  • Adding more detail to Maintainers.txt
  • Using git submodules instead of embedding (e.g. LZMA SDK, Oniguruma, FDT)


Please email the list, or myself directly with subjects that you'd like to see discussed, questions, or comments.

Stephano Cetola
TianoCore Community Manager
[email protected]

Meeting Details


Oct. 24 at 14:00 GMT (7am PST)


Oct. 24th at 6:00 GMT (14:00 in Shanghai)

October 2018


We will be holding the first (of many) community meetings in hopes of receiving feedback as well as raising any new ideas or concerns.

Some initial topics that may be discussed include:

  • The new license terms (CLA free)
  • Open community meetings for bug scrub and design reviews
  • Pull Requests
  • Simplified and improving the build system
  • General Code and Commit message standards
  • Using LF instead of CRLF
  • Use of standard C types
  • Removing support for old compilers (e.g. GCC44)
  • Sharing dev branches earlier
  • Adding more detail to Maintainers.txt
  • Using git submodules instead of embedding (e.g. LZMA SDK, Oniguruma, FDT)


Please email the list, or myself directly with subjects that you'd like to see discussed, questions, or comments.

Stephano Cetola
TianoCore Community Manager
[email protected]

Meeting Details


Oct. 10 at 14:00 GMT (7am PST)


Oct. 11th at 2:00 GMT (7pm PST on Oct 10th)