Bug Triage - lersek/edk2 GitHub Wiki


We will be holding our community bug triage every two weeks. There will be two meetings attempting to cover all timezones. Please contact the list with questions or comments.

Bugzilla Links

See the bottom of the Bugzilla page. Once logged in, there will be a link to "Tianocore Issues UNCONFIRMED". We will triage starting with those bugs.

Add to Calendar

Please subcribe to the Groups.io calendar:



Please email the list with bugs / features that you'd like to see discussed, questions, or comments.

Meeting Details


Every Other Friday at 8:00am in Shanghai (Thursday at 17:00 PDT)

For more info please see: https://www.tianocore.org/bug-triage

To join the meeting on a computer or mobile phone: https://bluejeans.com/889357567?src=calendarLink

Phone Dial-in +1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose)) +1.408.317.9253 (US (Primary, San Jose)) Global Numbers: https://www.bluejeans.com/numbers

Meeting ID: 889 357 567

Room System or bjn.vc

Meeting ID: 889 357 567

Want to test your video connection? https://bluejeans.com/111