Beagle Board Wiki - lersek/edk2 GitHub Wiki
To find the latest instructions to build the BeagleBoard on Linux go to this wikipage
The following instructions assume you have the ARM RealView Development Suite v3.1 and Cygwin installed on Windows. Other versions of the RealView Development Suite should work, but only v3.1 and v4.0 have been tested.
If you use the command line version of subversion, then you can easily checkout the edk2 and source to the FAT32 driver to the /cygdrive/c/edk2 directory with the following commands:
/cygdrive/c$ svn co edk2 --username guest /cygdrive/c$ cd edk2 /cygdrive/c/edk2$ svn co FatPkg --username guest
Build the Beagle Board Package
Now you can run the script
/cygdrive/c/edk2$ cd /cygdrive/c/edk2/BeagleBoardPkg /cygdrive/c/edk2/BeagleBoardPkg$ ./
As a tangible result of the build, the FLASH image for the Beagle Board will end up in /cygdrive/c/edk2/Build/BeagleBoard/DEBUG_RVCT31CYGWIN/FV/Beagle Board_EFI_flashboot.fd.
Note: You may get a build error that looks like:
/bin/sh: /cygdrive/c/Program Files/ARM/RVCT/Programs/3.1/761/win_32-pentium/armcc: No such file or directory
This means your ARM compiler is installed in a different location. You will need to edit edk2/Conf/tools_def.txt to match the location your compiler was installed (search for DEFINE RVCT31CYGWIN_TOOLS_PATH). The tools_def.txt file is created when the ./ script sources . BaseTools to setup the environment. It is copied from edk2/BaseTools/Conf/tools_def.template that is checked into source control. You can make local edits to the tools_def.txt version and not worry about accidentally checking it in to source control.
The ./ script also supports arguments. If you pass RELEASE debug code is stripped out. Please note the image that gets created is a fixed size Firmware Volume, so setting RELEASE will increase the amount of free space in the file system and not make the image physically smaller. You can also do a clean by passing in clean. DEBUG (default for ./ and RELEASE builds are built in different directories. All other arguments are passed directly to the edk2 build command. Here are some examples:
/cygdrive/c/edk2/BeagleBoardPkg$ ./ clean /cygdrive/c/edk2/BeagleBoardPkg$ ./ RELEASE /cygdrive/c/edk2/BeagleBoardPkg$ ./ RELEASE clean /cygdrive/c/edk2/BeagleBoardPkg$ ./ -y report.log -v
The following instructions assume you have the ARM RealView Development Suite v3.1 and Subversion installed on Windows. Other versions of the RealView Development Suite should work, but only v3.1 and v4.0 have been tested.
If you don't have Cygwin installed you can't use the Bash script in the BeagleBoardPkg directory. Building on Windows is a little simpler as binary versions of all the tools are checked in.
If you use the command line version of subversion, then you can easily checkout the edk2 to the C:\edk2 directory with the following command:
C:\> svn co C:\edk2 --username guest C:\> cd C:\edk2 C:\edk2> svn co FatPkg --username guest
The b.bat script builds the EFI Beagle Board image, patches the beginning of the image with information needed by the mask ROM, and builds some debug scripts for RealView and Trace32 JTAG debuggers.
C:\> cd C:\edk2\BeagleBoardPkg C:\edk2\BeagleBoardPkg> b
The b.bat script also supports arguments. If you pass RELEASE debug code is stripped out. Please note the image that gets created is a fixed size Firmware Volume, so setting RELEASE will increase the amount of free space in the file system and not make the image physically smaller. You can also do a clean by passing in clean. DEBUG (default for b.bat) and RELEASE builds are built in different directories. All other arguments are passed directly to the edk2 build command. Here are some examples:
C:\edk2\BeagleBoardPkg> b clean C:\edk2\BeagleBoardPkg> b RELEASE C:\edk2\BeagleBoardPkg> b RELEASE clean C:\edk2\BeagleBoardPkg> b -y report.log -v
Note: You may get a build error that looks like:
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"c:/Program Files/ARM/RVCT/Programs/3.1/761/win_32-pentium/armcc"' : return code '0x1'This means your ARM compiler is installed in a different location. You will need to edit edk2\Conf\tools_def.txt to match the location your compiler was installed (search for DEFINE RVCT31_TOOLS_PATH). The tools_def.txt file is created when the edksetup.bat script ran to setup the environment. It is copied from edk2\BaseTools\Conf\tools_def.template that is checked into source control. You can make local edits to the .txt version and not worry about accidentally checking it in to source control.
If you have an RealView Debugger hooked up to your Beagle Board you can use /cygdrive/c/edk2/Build/BeagleBoard/DEBUG_RVCT31CYGWI N/ to down load the EFI image over JTAG and boot it. To load the script go to the Tools menu and select Include Commands from File... You can use edk2/Build/BeagleBoard/DEBUG_RVCT31CYGWIN/ to load symbols for the multiple EFI images in the debugger. Note: Some early versions of the RVI have a bug as the script can not access memory and does not work. You need to load the symbols after you break into the debugger.
When the Beagle Board boots from the NAND FLASH the mask ROM on the Beagle Board executes commands out of the start of the NAND to turn on memory and then copies the image from the NAND into system memory and jumps to it. In the EFI world this NAND image is called an FD (Flash Device) image and it contains 520 bytes of image header for the mask ROM and an FV (Firmware Volume). The FV is a simple FLASH file system and the first 4 bytes of the FV contain a jump to the SEC (SEcuirty Core) module. The SEC is a PE/COFF image that contains the reset vector and it is located in an arbitrary location in the FV. When you boot from JTAG the mask ROM on the Beagle Board does not run and the RVD script copies the FD into system memory and sets the PC to first location in the FV.
If you have the version of the debugger that does not support the script you can do the following to load symbols.
Edit the following lines of /cygdrive/c/edk2/BeagleBoardPkg/BeagleBoardPkg.dsc:
# PeCoffExtraActionLib|ArmPkg/Library/RvdPeCoffExtraActionLib/RvdPeCoffExtraActionLib.inf PeCoffExtraActionLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffExtraActionLibNull/BasePeCoffExtraActionLibNull.infand convert them to:
PeCoffExtraActionLib|ArmPkg/Library/RvdPeCoffExtraActionLib/RvdPeCoffExtraActionLib.inf # PeCoffExtraActionLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffExtraActionLibNull/BasePeCoffExtraActionLibNull.infThis will send a series of commands to the RVD console, via semihosting, that can be used to load symbols. Please note that sending all this data via semihosting slows boot down a lot. After the system gets to the point where you would like to source level debug stop execution on the target. Copy the contents of the StdIO window to a file, and use Tools Include Commands from File... You should now have source level debug for any EFI module that was loaded in memory.
The reset vector code exists in the SEC module located in the FV. The SEC was relocated to its execution address by the build tool that constructed the FV. Since this code runs from a fixed address you have to manually load symbols for this code. The SEC loads the DXE Core and that should be the first load command you see in the StdIO window of the debugger. The following is an example of the first prints that come out of the SEC code. You can cut the load command and past it directly into the RVD Cmd window to source level debug the SEC.
UART Enabled load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31CYGWIN\ARM\BeagleBoardPkg\Sec\Sec\DEBUG\BeagleBoardSec.dll &0x80008360
The OMAP mask ROM can boot from the MMC/SD card regardless of the state of the NAND (normal boot location). To boot from an SD card it has to be constructed as detailed in Step #1. You then power cycle the Beagle Board (unplug it and plug it back in) while holding down the USER button.
Step #1:
Follow the instructions and build an MMC/SD card that boots the Beagle Board U-Boot.
You only need to do the following steps:
Prepare MMC/SD card for Validation
Copy the following files on to MMC in the following order:
When copying files to the SD card make sure you follow the NOTE and copy "Regular script file" as boot.scr.
In addition to the above instructions copy edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31CYGWIN\FV\BeagleBoar d_EFI_flashboot.fd to MMC/SD card.
Step #2
Place SD card back in Beagle Board
power cycle while holding down USER button
hit a key on the serial console to stop u-boot from loading Linux
Step #3:
At the U-Boot prompt (currently OMAP3 # ) type the following commands to put the EFI code in the NAND:
OMAP3 # mmcinit OMAP3 # fatload mmc 0 80208000 BeagleBoard_EFI_flashboot.fd OMAP3 # nandecc hw OMAP3 # nand erase 0 80000 OMAP3 # nand write 80208000 0 80000Step #4
Hit the reset button and you should see DEBUG prints from EFI. You should get to the prompt and it will look like:
Embedded Boot Loader (EBL) prototype. Built at 16:18:20 on Dec 9 2009 THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Please send feedback to [email protected] BeagleEdk2>This works for getting the EFI image in the NAND the 1st time, and is also a way to recover the image if the NAND ever gets into a bad state.
See Booting EDK2 in the Beagle Board DRAM using U-Boot
Step #1:
Copy edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31CYGWIN\FV\BeagleBoar d_EFI_flashboot.fd to a MMC/SD card
Step #2:
Place SD card back in Beagle Board
Boot EFI on the Beagle Board (power cycle if you have it in NAND for example)
Step #3:
Use the EFI EBL to flash the image
BeagleEdk2> cp fs1:\Beagle Board_EFI_flashboot.fd blk0:
The Beagle Board does not implement PEI. SEC loads the DXE core directly. See the PI Boot Flow for an overview of PI booting.
The OMAP3530 used on the Beagle Board contains a mask ROM that initiates the boot process. The image in the NAND FLASH starts with a 512 (0x200) byte Table of Contents (TOC) and a set of configuration headers. The mask ROM uses information in the configuration headers to program clocks and turn on DRAM. After DRAM is initialized the Initial software is copied from NAND to DRAM. The first 4 bytes of the image contain the size of the image, and the next 4 bytes contain the address of where the image should be copied. On the Beagle Board the image is copied to 0x80008208.
The values used to initialize clocks and DRAM come from the ConfigurationHeader.dat text file. The build process uses the GenerateImage utility to parse the ConfigurationHeader.dat file and patch the information required by the OMPA3530 mask ROM into the beginning of the image.
The edk2 build process creates a Firmware Device (FD) image that has space reserved for the OMAP3530 configuration headers. In the edk2 the FD layout is controlled by a Flash Description File (.fdf). The Flash Description file for the Beagle Board is called BeagleBoardPkg.fdf. The Beagle Board FD contains 512 (0x200) bytes of OMAP3530 configuration headers followed by 8 bytes of the OMAP3530 image header. The OMAP3530 image header contains the size of the Software Image and the location the image should be loaded in DRAM. For the Beagle Board the Software Image is a Firmware Volume (FV) called FVMAIN_COMPACT. FVMAIN_COMPACT contains two files. The first file is the SEC code that the mask ROM jumps into and the 2nd file is a compressed FV, called FVMAIN.
FVMAIN_COMPACT is called fv0 in the EBL shell. You can use the dir command to see the contents of the FV.
BeagleEdk2>dir fv0: 19,800 SEC D959E387-7B91-452C-90E0-A1DBAC90DDB8 99,271 FV 9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792 119,071 bytes in files 404,569 bytes freeFVMAIN is called fv1 and this is the decompressed copy of the FV file in fv0:
BeagleEdk2>dir fv1: 44,568 DxeCore D6A2CB7F-6A18-4E2F-B43B-9920A733700A DxeCore 22,100 Driver B8D9777E-D72A-451F-9BDB-BAFB52A68415 ArmCpuDxe 5,062 Driver B601F8C4-43B7-4784-95B1-F4226CB40CEE RuntimeDxe 2,480 Driver F80697E9-7FD6-4665-8646-88E33EF71DFC SecurityStubDxe 1,788 Driver F099D67F-71AE-4C36-B2A3-DCEB0EB2B7D8 WatchdogTimer 3,780 Driver 42857F0A-13F2-4B21-8A23-53D3F714B840 CapsuleRuntimeDxe 6,396 Driver 02B01AD5-7E59-43E8-A6D8-238180613A5A EmuVariableRuntimeDxe 1,378 Driver FCABE6A7-7953-4A84-B7EC-D29E89B62E87 EmbeddedMonotonicCounter 2,492 Driver 6696936D-3637-467C-87CB-14EA8248948C SimpleTextInOutSerial 2,236 Driver 16036A73-E8EF-46D0-953C-9B8E96527D13 Reset 1,260 Driver B336F62D-4135-4A55-AE4E-4971BBF0885D RealTimeClock 1,834 Driver 4C6E0267-C77D-410D-8100-1495911A989D MetronomeDxe 3,102 Driver C5B9C74A-6D72-4719-99AB-C59F199091EB SemihostFs 4,452 Driver 4D00EF14-C4E0-426B-81B7-30A00A14AAD6 NandFlash 4,364 Driver 100C2CFA-B586-4198-9B4C-1683D195B1DA MMCHS 1,724 Driver D5125E0F-1226-444F-A218-0085996ED5DA Smbus 1,402 Driver E7D9CAE1-6930-46E3-BDF9-0027446E7DF2 Gpio 2,144 Driver 23EED05D-1B93-4A1A-8E1B-931D69E37952 BeagleBoardInterruptDxe 2,728 Driver 6DDBF08B-CFC9-43CC-9E81-0784BA312CA0 BeagleBoardTimerDxe 1,490 Driver 71FE861A-5450-48B6-BFB0-B93522616F99 TPS65950 4,156 Driver 6B38F7B4-AD98-40E9-9093-ACA2B5A253C4 DiskIoDxe 8,898 Driver 1FA1F39E-FEFF-4AAE-BD7B-38A070A3B609 PartitionDxe 14,992 Driver 961578FE-B6B7-44C3-AF35-6BC705CD2B1F Fat 2,686 Driver CD3BAFB6-50FB-4FE8-8E4E-AB74D2C1A600 EnglishDxe 3,892 Driver FEAA2E2B-53AC-4D5E-AE10-1EFD5DA4A2BA BeagleBoardPciEmulation 12,056 Driver BDFE430E-8F2A-4DB0-9991-6F856594777E EhciDxe 11,484 Driver 240612B7-A063-11D4-9A3A-0090273FC14D UsbBusDxe 8,268 Driver 9FB4B4A7-42C0-4BCD-8540-9BCC6711F83E UsbMassStorageDxe 44,016 App 3CEF354A-3B7A-4519-AD70-72A134698311 Ebl 7,246 Driver 934431FE-5745-402E-913D-17B4434EB0F3 BeagleBoardBds 234,474 bytes in files 846 bytes free
The edk2 build process places all the .fd and .fv files in the FV directory of the build root. The build root starts in the edk2 directory as Build/BeagleBoard then there is a directory name that contains the Target (DEBUG or RELEASE build), an underscore, and then the target tools type. So for example edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\FV would be the DEBUG build using RVCT 3.1 compiler.
File | Description |
BeagleBoard_EFI_flashboot.fd | Final image that can be placed in FLASH or copied to DRAM @ 0x80008000 |
BEAGLEBOARD_EFI.fd | Contains FVs, but has not been patched with OMAP3530 configuration headers |
FVMAIN_COMPACT.Fv | The Firmware Volume in BEAGLEBOARD_EFI.fd that contains the SEC (reset vector code) and a compressed copy of FVMAIN.Fv |
FVMAIN.Fv | Fimrware Volume containing the EFI drivers used for booting |
If you have your shell set up to build the edk2 the VolInfo command should be in your path and you can use it to dump out the contents of a .Fv file.
Reset Vector
The OMAP 3530 mask ROM executes first and used the configuration headers found in NAND FLASH Layout to turn on DRAM and shadow the NAND FLASH image into memory at 0x80008208. Address 0x8008208 is the beginning of the FVMAIN_COMPACT.Fv. An FV starts with a EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER data structure. On the Beagle Board the first 4 bytes of the EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER.ZeroVector has been patched by a build tool to be a branch to the entry point of the SEC PE/COFF Image.
/// /// Describes the features and layout of the firmware volume. /// typedef struct { /// /// The first 16 bytes are reserved to allow for the reset vector of /// processors whose reset vector is at address 0. /// UINT8 ZeroVector[16]; /// /// Declares the file system with which the firmware volume is formatted. /// EFI_GUID FileSystemGuid; /// /// Length in bytes of the complete firmware volume, including the header. /// UINT64 FvLength; /// /// Set to EFI_FVH_SIGNATURE /// UINT32 Signature; /// /// Declares capabilities and power-on defaults for the firmware volume. /// EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES_2 Attributes; /// /// Length in bytes of the complete firmware volume header. /// UINT16 HeaderLength; /// /// A 16-bit checksum of the firmware volume header. A valid header sums to zero. /// UINT16 Checksum; /// /// Offset, relative to the start of the header, of the extended header /// (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_EXT_HEADER) or zero if there is no extended header. /// UINT16 ExtHeaderOffset; /// /// This field must always be set to zero. /// UINT8 Reserved[1]; /// /// Set to 2. Future versions of this specification may define new header fields and will /// increment the Revision field accordingly. /// UINT8 Revision; /// /// An array of run-length encoded FvBlockMapEntry structures. The array is /// terminated with an entry of {0,0}. /// EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP_ENTRY BlockMap[1]; } EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER; typedef struct { /// /// The number of sequential blocks which are of the same size. /// UINT32 NumBlocks; /// /// The size of the blocks. /// UINT32 Length; } EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP_ENTRY;
The first line of edk2 source code that is executed is the symbol _ModuleEntryPoint in the SEC. The edk2 has ARMASM compatible assembler files that have a .asm extension, and gcc compatible assembler files that have a .S extension. ModuleEntryPoint.asm and ModuleEntryPoint.S contain _ModuleEntryPoint.
The primary job of the SEC is to load the DXE Core. The DXE Core can be thought of as the EFI mini-kernel, as it produces the EFI boot and runtime services as called out in the UEFI specification. The Beagle Board SEC does the following:
- Disable L2
- Enable Alignment checking
- Set CPU vectors to start of DRAM 0x80000000
- Switch to SVC mode, and set up a single stack
- Configure pads for input/output
- Initialize Clocks
- Enable Branch Prediction
- Turn on MMU and caches
- Initialize UART
- Build HOBs needed by DXE Core
- Start free running timer for the timer lib
- Decompress compressed FV
- Boot DXE Core
DXE Dispatch
The DXE Core is for the most part generic code. The DXE core dispatches drivers that add APIs called Protocols to the system. Dispatching involves choosing the order that drivers are loaded. The drivers are PE/COFF images and they are loaded an relocated into free memory, and then control is passed to the driver to run its initialization function. The drivers initialization function does work, registers protocols, and returns to the DXE core so the next driver can be dispatched. The UEFI PI specification introduces the concept of a dependency grammar. The dependency grammar allows a driver to run before or after another driver (not common) or wait for the protocols the driver depends on to be present in the system. The dependency grammar is stack based and contains the following opcodes:
- OR
- SOR (Schedule on Request)
A file in an FV consists of multiple sections and a driver will contain a PE/COFF section and an optional dependency section. The dependency section contains the byte codes of the dependency grammar. However, the dependency sections are generated from the [Depex] section of the drivers .inf file. The .inf file is the build control file for the driver. TimerDxe.inf is an example of an .inf file for a driver that depends on the gHardwareInterruptProtocolGuid to be present before it gets dispatched.
There are four common dependency expression forms that are used:
- gHardwareInterruptProtocolGuid
- gHardwareInterruptProtocolGuid AND gSecondProtocolGuid
- No Dependency expression
A Dependency expression of TRUE means the driver can dispatched at any time. In practice the DXE core will dispatch any driver who's dependency expression evaluates to true. If multiple drivers evaluate to true the drivers will be loaded in an arbitrary order, usually the order they were found in the FV. Usually drivers will be coded so they depend on one or more protocol being present and the Depex section in the .inf file will contain a set of protocols that are AND'ed together.
A driver that contains no dependency expression is a special case. It is not the same as a dependency expression of TRUE. No dependency expression implies that the driver is an EFI driver and depends on all EFI services being present. The PI specification defines protocols, named architectural protocols, that are required by the DXE core to implement the boot and runtime services defined in the UEFI specification. So no dependency expression implies a dependency expression of all the following protocols AND'ed together:
- gEfiSecurityArchProtocolGuid
- gEfiCpuArchProtocolGuid
- gEfiMetronomeArchProtocolGuid
- gEfiTimerArchProtocolGuid
- gEfiBdsArchProtocolGuid
- gEfiWatchdogTimerArchProtocolGuid
- gEfiRuntimeArchProtocolGuid
- gEfiVariableArchProtocolGuid
- gEfiVariableWriteArchProtocolGuid
- gEfiCapsuleArchProtocolGuid
- gEfiMonotonicCounterArchProtocolGuid
- gEfiResetArchProtocolGuid
- gEfiRealTimeClockArchProtocolGuid
The debug prints from a DEBUG build of the Beagle Board show the dispatch order on the Beagle Board:
Loading driver at 0x00087EDA000 EntryPoint=0x00087EDC5F5 RuntimeDxe.efi Loading driver at 0x00087EB3000 EntryPoint=0x00087EB5081 SecurityStubDxe.efi Loading driver at 0x00087ED5000 EntryPoint=0x00087ED8F29 EmuVariableRuntimeDxe.efi Loading driver at 0x00087ED3000 EntryPoint=0x00087ED482D EmbeddedMonotonicCounter.efi Loading driver at 0x00087EB0000 EntryPoint=0x00087EB1D21 SimpleTextInOutSerial.efi Loading driver at 0x00087EAD000 EntryPoint=0x00087EAED8D Reset.efi Loading driver at 0x00087EAB000 EntryPoint=0x00087EAC6DD RealTimeClock.efi Loading driver at 0x00087EA9000 EntryPoint=0x00087EAA941 MetronomeDxe.efi Loading driver at 0x00087EA6000 EntryPoint=0x00087EA857D NandFlash.efi Loading driver at 0x00087EA3000 EntryPoint=0x00087EA4AB1 Smbus.efi Loading driver at 0x00087EA1000 EntryPoint=0x00087EA28CD Gpio.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E9E000 EntryPoint=0x00087E9FDC5 BeagleBoardInterruptDxe.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E9A000 EntryPoint=0x00087E9CE3D BeagleBoardBds.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E92000 EntryPoint=0x00087E97C29 ArmCpuDxe.efi Loading driver at 0x00087ED0000 EntryPoint=0x00087ED2109 CapsuleRuntimeDxe.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E8F000 EntryPoint=0x00087E90C45 BeagleBoardTimerDxe.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E8C000 EntryPoint=0x00087E8DA11 TPS65950.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E89000 EntryPoint=0x00087E8A985 WatchdogTimer.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E85000 EntryPoint=0x00087E87CC5 MMCHS.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E81000 EntryPoint=0x00087E841B5 BeagleBoardPciEmulation.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E7D000 EntryPoint=0x00087E7FB1D SemihostFs.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E7A000 EntryPoint=0x00087E7C531 DiskIoDxe.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E75000 EntryPoint=0x00087E79599 PartitionDxe.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E6C000 EntryPoint=0x00087E737B5 Fat.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E69000 EntryPoint=0x00087E6A9E9 EnglishDxe.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E61000 EntryPoint=0x00087E67CD5 EhciDxe.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E58000 EntryPoint=0x00087E5F529 UsbBusDxe.efi Loading driver at 0x00087E52000 EntryPoint=0x00087E56539 UsbMassStorageDxe.efi
The Beagle Board Boot Flow section describes how UEFI, and especially PI, boot by loading a series of PE/COFF images. A natural question to ask is how load symbols for a debugger, especially when you consider that EFI defaults to load images at arbitrary addresses. Luckily the UEFI specification has a concept know as an EFI Debug Support Table that is defined in section 17.4 of UEFI 2.3 specification. Using the EFI Debug Support Table it is possible to write a debugger script to load symbols.
As an example of how to utilize the EFI debug Support Table the Beagle Board port has an extra EBL shell command to dump the symbol table information contained in the EFI Debug Support Table. This extra EBL shell command is called symboltable and the source code can be found in EblCmdLib.c. The symboltable (sync commands can be shortened as long as they are unique, we will use sym as a synonym for symboltable) command parses the EFI Debug Support Table and dumps out a set of commands that can be used with a debugger. The default for sym is to dump out RealView Debugger symbol load commands. The following is an example from a Beagle Board.
BeagleEdk2>sym load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Core\Dxe\DxeMain\DEBUG\DxeCore.dll & 0x87F2F240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Core\RuntimeDxe\RuntimeDxe\DEBUG\RuntimeDxe.dll & 0x87EDA240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\SecurityStubDxe\SecurityStubDxe\DEBUG\SecurityStubDxe.dll & 0x87EB3240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Variable\EmuRuntimeDxe\EmuVariableRuntimeDxe\DEBUG\EmuVariableRuntimeDxe.dll & 0x87ED5240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\EmbeddedMonotonicCounter\EmbeddedMonotonicCounter\DEBUG\EmbeddedMonotonicCounter.dll & 0x87ED3240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\SimpleTextInOutSerial\SimpleTextInOutSerial\DEBUG\SimpleTextInOutSerial.dll & 0x87EB0240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\ResetRuntimeDxe\ResetRuntimeDxe\DEBUG\Reset.dll & 0x87EAD240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe\RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe\DEBUG\RealTimeClock.dll & 0x87EAB240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\MetronomeDxe\MetronomeDxe\DEBUG\MetronomeDxe.dll & 0x87EA9240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\Flash\Flash\DEBUG\NandFlash.dll & 0x87EA6240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\SmbusDxe\Smbus\DEBUG\Smbus.dll & 0x87EA3240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\Gpio\Gpio\DEBUG\Gpio.dll & 0x87EA1240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\InterruptDxe\InterruptDxe\DEBUG\BeagleBoardInterruptDxe.dll & 0x87E9E240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\BeagleBoardPkg\Bds\Bds\DEBUG\BeagleBoardBds.dll & 0x87E9A240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\ArmPkg\Drivers\CpuDxe\CpuDxe\DEBUG\ArmCpuDxe.dll & 0x87E92240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\CapsuleRuntimeDxe\CapsuleRuntimeDxe\DEBUG\CapsuleRuntimeDxe.dll & 0x87ED0240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\TimerDxe\TimerDxe\DEBUG\BeagleBoardTimerDxe.dll & 0x87E8F240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\TPS65950Dxe\TPS65950\DEBUG\TPS65950.dll & 0x87E8C240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\WatchdogTimerDxe\WatchdogTimer\DEBUG\WatchdogTimer.dll & 0x87E89240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\MMCHSDxe\MMCHS\DEBUG\MMCHS.dll & 0x87E85240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\PciEmulation\PciEmulation\DEBUG\BeagleBoardPciEmulation.dll & 0x87E81240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\ArmPkg\Filesystem\SemihostFs\SemihostFs\DEBUG\SemihostFs.dll & 0x87E7D240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Disk\DiskIoDxe\DiskIoDxe\DEBUG\DiskIoDxe.dll & 0x87E7A240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Disk\PartitionDxe\PartitionDxe\DEBUG\PartitionDxe.dll & 0x87E75240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\FatPkg\EnhancedFatDxe\Fat\DEBUG\Fat.dll & 0x87E6C240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Disk\UnicodeCollation\EnglishDxe\EnglishDxe\DEBUG\EnglishDxe.dll & 0x87E69240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Bus\Pci\EhciDxe\EhciDxe\DEBUG\EhciDxe.dll & 0x87E61240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Bus\Usb\UsbBusDxe\UsbBusDxe\DEBUG\UsbBusDxe.dll & 0x87E58240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Bus\Usb\UsbMassStorageDxe\UsbMassStorageDxe\DEBUG\UsbMassStorageDxe.dll & 0x87E52240 load /a /ni /np c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\Ebl\Ebl\DEBUG\Ebl.dll & 0x87160240
The 1st argument to sym is optional and it can be used to change the template for how the symbol file load commands are printed out. The default string is for the RealView Debugger. The first format specifier in the string must be for an ASCII string for the file name of the symbol file and the second format specifier must be for the load address of the PE/COFF image. The EFI Print routine is not fully compatible with POSIX printf. %a is for an ASCII string, %s is for Unicode, and %x is for a hex number with no leading 0x.
BeagleEdk2>sym "add-symbol-file %a 0x%x" add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Core\Dxe\DxeMain\DEBUG\DxeCore.dll 0x87F2F240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Core\RuntimeDxe\RuntimeDxe\DEBUG\RuntimeDxe.dll 0x87EDA240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\SecurityStubDxe\SecurityStubDxe\DEBUG\SecurityStubDxe.dll 0x87EB3240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Variable\EmuRuntimeDxe\EmuVariableRuntimeDxe\DEBUG\EmuVariableRuntimeDxe.dll 0x87ED5240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\EmbeddedMonotonicCounter\EmbeddedMonotonicCounter\DEBUG\EmbeddedMonotonicCounter.dll 0x87ED3240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\SimpleTextInOutSerial\SimpleTextInOutSerial\DEBUG\SimpleTextInOutSerial.dll 0x87EB0240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\ResetRuntimeDxe\ResetRuntimeDxe\DEBUG\Reset.dll 0x87EAD240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe\RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe\DEBUG\RealTimeClock.dll 0x87EAB240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\MetronomeDxe\MetronomeDxe\DEBUG\MetronomeDxe.dll 0x87EA9240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\Flash\Flash\DEBUG\NandFlash.dll 0x87EA6240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\SmbusDxe\Smbus\DEBUG\Smbus.dll 0x87EA3240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\Gpio\Gpio\DEBUG\Gpio.dll 0x87EA1240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\InterruptDxe\InterruptDxe\DEBUG\BeagleBoardInterruptDxe.dll 0x87E9E240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\BeagleBoardPkg\Bds\Bds\DEBUG\BeagleBoardBds.dll 0x87E9A240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\ArmPkg\Drivers\CpuDxe\CpuDxe\DEBUG\ArmCpuDxe.dll 0x87E92240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\CapsuleRuntimeDxe\CapsuleRuntimeDxe\DEBUG\CapsuleRuntimeDxe.dll 0x87ED0240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\TimerDxe\TimerDxe\DEBUG\BeagleBoardTimerDxe.dll 0x87E8F240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\TPS65950Dxe\TPS65950\DEBUG\TPS65950.dll 0x87E8C240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\WatchdogTimerDxe\WatchdogTimer\DEBUG\WatchdogTimer.dll 0x87E89240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\MMCHSDxe\MMCHS\DEBUG\MMCHS.dll 0x87E85240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\PciEmulation\PciEmulation\DEBUG\BeagleBoardPciEmulation.dll 0x87E81240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\ArmPkg\Filesystem\SemihostFs\SemihostFs\DEBUG\SemihostFs.dll 0x87E7D240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Disk\DiskIoDxe\DiskIoDxe\DEBUG\DiskIoDxe.dll 0x87E7A240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Disk\PartitionDxe\PartitionDxe\DEBUG\PartitionDxe.dll 0x87E75240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\FatPkg\EnhancedFatDxe\Fat\DEBUG\Fat.dll 0x87E6C240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Disk\UnicodeCollation\EnglishDxe\EnglishDxe\DEBUG\EnglishDxe.dll 0x87E69240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Bus\Pci\EhciDxe\EhciDxe\DEBUG\EhciDxe.dll 0x87E61240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Bus\Usb\UsbBusDxe\UsbBusDxe\DEBUG\UsbBusDxe.dll 0x87E58240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Bus\Usb\UsbMassStorageDxe\UsbMassStorageDxe\DEBUG\UsbMassStorageDxe.dll 0x87E52240 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\Ebl\Ebl\DEBUG\Ebl.dll 0x87160240
The 2nd argument to sym is optional and it defines the image type represented by the file name string. The image loaded and relocated in system memory will always be a PE/COFF image as called out in the UEFI specification, but the symbol files can be in different formats. If the compiler produces an ELF or Mach-O image the edk2 build system converts it to a PE/COFF image. The original ELF or Mach-O contain the symbolic debug information and this is what the debugger needs to load. In both ELF and Mach-O images the image header is not loaded into system memory, but it is for PE/COFF. This means the PE/COFF image loaded into system memory starts with a PE/COFF header. The original ELF or Mach-O file, that contains the symbols for debug, does not contain a PE/COFF (or any other) header in the linked image so when we tell the debugger about the location the ELF or Mach-O image was loaded we need to add in the size of the PE/COFF header. The default for the sym command is to add in the size of the PE/COFF header to the image load address, luckily the size of the PE/COFF header is a field in the PE/COFF header so it is easy to calculate. If a 2nd argument is present the size of the PE/COFF header is not added in and as you see below you get the actually load address of the PE/COFF image. As you can see in these two examples the size of the PE/COFF header is 0x240.
BeagleEdk2>sym "add-symbol-file %a 0x%x" PECOFF add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Core\Dxe\DxeMain\DEBUG\DxeCore.dll 0x87F2F000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Core\RuntimeDxe\RuntimeDxe\DEBUG\RuntimeDxe.dll 0x87EDA000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\SecurityStubDxe\SecurityStubDxe\DEBUG\SecurityStubDxe.dll 0x87EB3000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Variable\EmuRuntimeDxe\EmuVariableRuntimeDxe\DEBUG\EmuVariableRuntimeDxe.dll 0x87ED5000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\EmbeddedMonotonicCounter\EmbeddedMonotonicCounter\DEBUG\EmbeddedMonotonicCounter.dll 0x87ED3000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\SimpleTextInOutSerial\SimpleTextInOutSerial\DEBUG\SimpleTextInOutSerial.dll 0x87EB0000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\ResetRuntimeDxe\ResetRuntimeDxe\DEBUG\Reset.dll 0x87EAD000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe\RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe\DEBUG\RealTimeClock.dll 0x87EAB000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\MetronomeDxe\MetronomeDxe\DEBUG\MetronomeDxe.dll 0x87EA9000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\Flash\Flash\DEBUG\NandFlash.dll 0x87EA6000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\SmbusDxe\Smbus\DEBUG\Smbus.dll 0x87EA3000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\Gpio\Gpio\DEBUG\Gpio.dll 0x87EA1000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\InterruptDxe\InterruptDxe\DEBUG\BeagleBoardInterruptDxe.dll 0x87E9E000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\BeagleBoardPkg\Bds\Bds\DEBUG\BeagleBoardBds.dll 0x87E9A000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\ArmPkg\Drivers\CpuDxe\CpuDxe\DEBUG\ArmCpuDxe.dll 0x87E92000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\CapsuleRuntimeDxe\CapsuleRuntimeDxe\DEBUG\CapsuleRuntimeDxe.dll 0x87ED0000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\TimerDxe\TimerDxe\DEBUG\BeagleBoardTimerDxe.dll 0x87E8F000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\TPS65950Dxe\TPS65950\DEBUG\TPS65950.dll 0x87E8C000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\WatchdogTimerDxe\WatchdogTimer\DEBUG\WatchdogTimer.dll 0x87E89000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\MMCHSDxe\MMCHS\DEBUG\MMCHS.dll 0x87E85000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\Omap35xxPkg\PciEmulation\PciEmulation\DEBUG\BeagleBoardPciEmulation.dll 0x87E81000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\ArmPkg\Filesystem\SemihostFs\SemihostFs\DEBUG\SemihostFs.dll 0x87E7D000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Disk\DiskIoDxe\DiskIoDxe\DEBUG\DiskIoDxe.dll 0x87E7A000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Disk\PartitionDxe\PartitionDxe\DEBUG\PartitionDxe.dll 0x87E75000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\FatPkg\EnhancedFatDxe\Fat\DEBUG\Fat.dll 0x87E6C000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Disk\UnicodeCollation\EnglishDxe\EnglishDxe\DEBUG\EnglishDxe.dll 0x87E69000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Bus\Pci\EhciDxe\EhciDxe\DEBUG\EhciDxe.dll 0x87E61000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Bus\Usb\UsbBusDxe\UsbBusDxe\DEBUG\UsbBusDxe.dll 0x87E58000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\MdeModulePkg\Bus\Usb\UsbMassStorageDxe\UsbMassStorageDxe\DEBUG\UsbMassStorageDxe.dll 0x87E52000 add-symbol-file c:\work\edk2\Build\BeagleBoard\DEBUG_RVCT31\ARM\EmbeddedPkg\Ebl\Ebl\DEBUG\Ebl.dll 0x87160000Please note the three sym examples are from the same system that was built using the ARM RVCT 3.1 compiler. The only difference is the arguments used to the sym command. The 2nd option does not do any checking for type of the symbol file it just adjusts the load address.
If you add -y PCD.log -Y PCD to the build command a log file, PCD.log, will be created relative to the workspace (usually the edk2 directory). The following is the first section of the PCD.log file:
=============================================================================== Platform Configuration Database Report =============================================================================== *P - Platform scoped PCD override in DSC file *F - Platform scoped PCD override in FDF file *M - Module scoped PCD override in DSC file *C - Library has a constructor *D - Library has a destructor *CD - Library has both a constructor and a destructor =============================================================================== =============================================================================== PLATFORM: c:\work\edk2\BeagleBoardPkg\BeagleBoardPkg.dsc =============================================================================== gArmTokenSpaceGuid PcdCpuDxeProduceDebugSupport : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = FALSE PcdArmCacheOperationThreshold : FIXED (UINT32) = 1024 *P PcdCpuVectorBaseAddress : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x80000000 DEC DEFAULT = 0xfff00000 *P PcdCpuResetAddress : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x80008000 DEC DEFAULT = 0x00000000 gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid PcdVerifyNodeInList : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = FALSE PcdUgaConsumeSupport : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = TRUE PcdUartDefaultBaudRate : FIXED (UINT64) = 115200 PcdMaximumLinkedListLength : FIXED (UINT32) = 1000000 PcdMaximumGuidedExtractHandler : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x10 PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength : FIXED (UINT32) = 1000000 *M EhciDxe.inf = 0x800fffff PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength : FIXED (UINT32) = 1000000 PcdDebugClearMemoryValue : FIXED (UINT8) = 0xAF PcdUefiLibMaxPrintBufferSize : FIXED (UINT32) = 320 PcdPerformanceLibraryPropertyMask : FIXED (UINT8) = 0 PcdUartDefaultStopBits : FIXED (UINT8) = 1 PcdUartDefaultDataBits : FIXED (UINT8) = 8 PcdUartDefaultParity : FIXED (UINT8) = 1 PcdUefiVariableDefaultPlatformLang : FIXED (VOID*) = "en-US" PcdUefiVariableDefaultLang : FIXED (VOID*) = "eng" gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid PcdFrameworkCompatibilitySupport : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = FALSE PcdSupportUpdateCapsuleReset : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = FALSE PcdVariableCollectStatistics : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = FALSE PcdUnicodeCollationSupport : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = TRUE PcdUnicodeCollation2Support : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = TRUE PcdTurnOffUsbLegacySupport : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = FALSE PcdLoadModuleAtFixAddressEnable : FIXED (UINT64) = 0 PcdMaxSizePopulateCapsule : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x6400000 PcdMaxSizeNonPopulateCapsule : FIXED (UINT32) = 0xa00000 PcdHwErrStorageSize : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x0000 PcdMaxVariableSize : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x400 PcdEmuVariableNvStoreReserved : FIXED (UINT64) = 0 PcdMaxHardwareErrorVariableSize : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x8000 PcdVariableStoreSize : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x10000 PcdLoadFixAddressBootTimeCodePageNumber : PATCH (UINT32) = 0 PcdLoadFixAddressRuntimeCodePageNumber : PATCH (UINT32) = 0 gEmbeddedTokenSpaceGuid *P PcdCacheEnable : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = TRUE DEC DEFAULT = FALSE *P PcdPrePiProduceMemoryTypeInformationHob : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = TRUE DEC DEFAULT = FALSE PcdEmbeddedDirCmd : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = TRUE *P PcdEmbeddedMacBoot : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = TRUE DEC DEFAULT = FALSE PcdEmbeddedIoEnable : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = FALSE PcdEmbeddedHwDebugCmd : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = TRUE PcdEmbeddedHobCmd : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = TRUE PcdEmbeddedScriptCmd : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = FALSE *P PcdEmbeddedPciDebugCmd : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = TRUE DEC DEFAULT = FALSE PcdGdbSerial : FLAG (BOOLEAN) = FALSE *F PcdEmbeddedFdSize : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x00080000 DEC DEFAULT = 0x0000000 *F PcdEmbeddedFdBaseAddress : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x80008000 DEC DEFAULT = 0xffff0000 *F PcdFlashFvMainSize : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x0007FDF8 DEC DEFAULT = 0x0 PcdPrePiStackSize : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x20000 *P PcdPrePiStackBase : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x87FE0000 DEC DEFAULT = 0 *F PcdFlashFvMainBase : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x80008208 DEC DEFAULT = 0x0 PcdPrePiTempMemorySize : FIXED (UINT32) = 0 PcdMemoryTypeEfiACPIReclaimMemory : FIXED (UINT32) = 0 PcdMemoryTypeEfiACPIMemoryNVS : FIXED (UINT32) = 0 PcdMemoryTypeEfiReservedMemoryType : FIXED (UINT32) = 0 *P PcdMemoryTypeEfiRuntimeServicesCode : FIXED (UINT32) = 40 DEC DEFAULT = 0 *P PcdMemoryTypeEfiBootServicesData : FIXED (UINT32) = 3000 DEC DEFAULT = 0 *P PcdMemoryTypeEfiLoaderCode : FIXED (UINT32) = 10 DEC DEFAULT = 0 PcdPrePiBfvBaseAddress : FIXED (UINT32) = 0 PcdPrePiBfvSize : FIXED (UINT32) = 0 *P PcdMemoryTypeEfiRuntimeServicesData : FIXED (UINT32) = 80 DEC DEFAULT = 0 *P PcdPrePiHobBase : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x80001000 DEC DEFAULT = 131072 PcdMemoryTypeEfiLoaderData : FIXED (UINT32) = 0 PcdPrePiCpuMemorySize : FIXED (UINT8) = 32 *P PcdMemoryTypeEfiBootServicesCode : FIXED (UINT32) = 400 DEC DEFAULT = 0 PcdPrePiCpuIoSize : FIXED (UINT8) = 0 PcdEmbeddedPerformanceCounterFreqencyInHz : FIXED (UINT64) = 0x0000000 *P PcdEmbeddedFdPerformanceCounterPeriodInNanoseconds : FIXED (UINT32) = 77 DEC DEFAULT = 0x0000000 PcdInterruptBaseAddress : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x38e00000 PcdTimerPeriod : FIXED (UINT32) = 100000 *P PcdEmbeddedAutomaticBootCommand : FIXED (VOID*) = "" DEC DEFAULT = L"" *P PcdEmbeddedPrompt : FIXED (VOID*) = "BeagleEdk2" DEC DEFAULT = "Ebl" PcdEmbeddedShellCharacterEcho : FIXED (BOOLEAN) = TRUE PcdEmbeddedDefaultTextColor : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x07 PcdEmbeddedMemVariableStoreSize : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x10000 PcdGdbMaxPacketRetryCount : FIXED (UINT32) = 10000000 gOmap35xxTokenSpaceGuid PcdBeagleConsoleUart : FIXED (UINT32) = 3 PcdBeagleBoardIRAMFullSize : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x00000000 PcdBeagleFreeTimer : FIXED (UINT32) = 4 PcdBeagleGpmcOffset : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x00000000 PcdBeagleMMCHS1Base : FIXED (UINT32) = 0x00000000 PcdBeagleArchTimer : FIXED (UINT32) = 3 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ...
The UEFI PI specification utilizes some EFI concepts to define how to build modular chunks of code in various phases of the firmwares boot flow. Please see the UEFI and PI Wiki for more information.