Weekly Meeting 2016 07 07 - leoswaldo/ciao GitHub Wiki
- opens (5 minutes)
- bugs (10 minutes): pre-seed a list of new or priority up/down candidates into the agenda for meeting focus
- prioritize
- scrub
- update/assign
- OpenStack Big Tent: to apply or not to apply? Happenings in June regarding the golang in OpenStack tend to preclude us at this point as an official project. The door is open to be an non-official project though still. Weigh the merits of striving to remain close to OpenStack versus letting ourselves be pushed away.
Meeting started by AmyLee7 at 16:02:17 UTC. The full logs are available at ciao-project/2016/ciao-project.2016-07-07-16.02.log.html .
LINK: Agenda- https://github.com/01org/ciao/wiki/Weekly-Meeting-2016-07-07 (AmyLee7, 16:03:02)
opens (AmyLee7, 16:03:51)
- HELP: look at PR 340 (AmyLee7, 16:05:42)
- ACTION: tcpepper will add 6/23 minutes manually since meeting bot broke/ disk space ran out (AmyLee7, 16:06:45)
- LINK: https://clearlinux.org/documentation/ciao-deploy.html (obedmr, 16:06:51)
- ACTION: obedmr will add the full Clear RPMs spec in a packaging dir and on the ciao wiki (AmyLee7, 16:10:35)
- ACTION: mrkz will help obedmr with RPM bits (AmyLee7, 16:12:17)
- albertom to extend the playbook to support Ubuntu (sameo_, 16:13:57)
- LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/14 issue is open for version checking (AmyLee7, 16:19:43)
- LINK: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11354518/golang-application-auto-build-versioning (tcpepper, 16:21:35)
bugs (AmyLee7, 16:24:17)
- ACTION: markusry create an issue for the version proposal in github (AmyLee7, 16:24:43)
- No P1's this week (AmyLee7, 16:25:00)
- LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/98 (AmyLee7, 16:25:35)
- ACTION: leoswaldo will address feedback and rework issue 98 (AmyLee7, 16:27:08)
- LINK: P3's https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Abug+label%3AP3 (AmyLee7, 16:27:35)
OpenStack Big Tent (AmyLee7, 16:33:08)
- LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/wiki/Weekly-Meeting-2016-06-30 (markusry, 16:35:18)
- ACTION: AmyLee7 add the API compatability testing and API gaps for Openstack compliance to our map day discussion (AmyLee7, 16:42:43)
- LINK: http://www.openstack.org/brand/interop/ (AmyLee7, 16:46:12)
- LINK: http://www.openstack.org/brand/interop/ (AmyLee7, 16:46:17)
- ACTION: obedmr and leoswaldo will analyze and identify gaps for Ciao Openstack compatability for our map day 7/11 (AmyLee7, 16:50:48)
- ACTION: markusry will create an issue to track the ansible features/demo ideas (AmyLee7, 17:00:05)
Meeting ended at 17:00:16 UTC.
- tcpepper will add 6/23 minutes manually since meeting bot broke/ disk space ran out
- obedmr will add the full Clear RPMs spec in a packaging dir and on the ciao wiki
- mrkz will help obedmr with RPM bits
- markusry create an issue for the version proposal in github
- leoswaldo will address feedback and rework issue 98
- AmyLee7 add the API compatability testing and API gaps for Openstack compliance to our map day discussion
- obedmr and leoswaldo will analyze and identify gaps for Ciao Openstack compatability for our map day 7/11
- markusry will create an issue to track the ansible features/demo ideas
- AmyLee7
- AmyLee7 add the API compatability testing and API gaps for Openstack compliance to our map day discussion
- leoswaldo
- leoswaldo will address feedback and rework issue 98
- obedmr and leoswaldo will analyze and identify gaps for Ciao Openstack compatability for our map day 7/11
- markusry
- markusry create an issue for the version proposal in github
- markusry will create an issue to track the ansible features/demo ideas
- mrkz
- mrkz will help obedmr with RPM bits
- obedmr
- obedmr will add the full Clear RPMs spec in a packaging dir and on the ciao wiki
- mrkz will help obedmr with RPM bits
- obedmr and leoswaldo will analyze and identify gaps for Ciao Openstack compatability for our map day 7/11
- tcpepper
- tcpepper will add 6/23 minutes manually since meeting bot broke/ disk space ran out
- (none)
- markusry (42)
- AmyLee7 (41)
- tcpepper (34)
- sameo_ (31)
- obedmr (24)
- albertom (14)
- mrkz (13)
- kristenc (12)
- leoswaldo (4)
- ciaomtgbot (2)
- ciaoslackbridge (1)
- _erick0zcr (1)
- mcastelino (1)
Generated by MeetBot
_ 0.1.4
.. _MeetBot
: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
###Full IRC Log
16:02:17 <AmyLee7> #startmeeting
16:02:17 <ciaomtgbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 7 16:02:17 2016 UTC. The chair is AmyLee7. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:02:17 <ciaomtgbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:02:22 <AmyLee7> o/
16:02:26 <sameo_> o/
16:02:47 <tcpepper> o/
16:03:02 <AmyLee7> #link Agenda- https://github.com/01org/ciao/wiki/Weekly-Meeting-2016-07-07
16:03:23 <obedmr> o?
16:03:27 <mrkz> o/
16:03:28 <obedmr> o/
16:03:28 <leoswaldo> o/
16:03:36 <_erick0zcr> o/
16:03:38 <kristenc> o/
16:03:51 <AmyLee7> #topic opens
16:04:05 * tcpepper has none
16:04:13 <kristenc> I have one.
16:04:26 <mrkz> I do have just a request/question for team
16:04:38 <mrkz> can you please take a look on https://github.com/01org/ciao/pull/340 ?
16:04:53 <kristenc> actually, I changed my mind - I don't want to waste meeting time on it, I'll discuss later.
16:05:01 <tcpepper> oh I do have one: https://github.com/01org/ciao/wiki/Weekly-Meeting-2016-06-23 ...bot broke. Should we copy/paste in from an individual's log? or kristenc did bot capture anything?
16:05:12 <mrkz> the Idea of having makefile it's for easier packaging across distros
16:05:37 <kristenc> tcpepper, the bot was out of disk space, so no.
16:05:41 <tcpepper> mrkz: we should add a "packaging" subdir. could put deb and rpm spec files in there for example
16:05:41 <markusry> o/
16:05:42 <AmyLee7> #help look at PR 340
16:06:00 <tcpepper> kristenc: ok...I'll see if I can munge my pidgin log into the wiki in a readable form
16:06:01 <mrkz> the issue I do have is that I have no idea why travis failed :/
16:06:15 <kristenc> tcpepper, slackbridge would have saved it there as well.
16:06:17 <sameo_> mrkz: I will look at it, but a Makefile is probably not the right answer.
16:06:24 <markusry> Maybe the make file in the top directory
16:06:25 <obedmr> I just have an update
16:06:31 <markusry> Maybe travis tries to run it
16:06:36 <sameo_> mrkz: As tcpepper said, if we want to help distros we should provide packaging metadata.
16:06:45 <mrkz> tcpepper, sameo_: correct, problem is to start tacking the problem :)
16:06:45 <AmyLee7> #action tcpepper will add 6/23 minutes manually since meeting bot broke/ disk space ran out
16:06:49 <obedmr> we have CIAO in ClearLinux documentation with Ansible
16:06:51 <mrkz> so any input is good
16:06:51 <obedmr> #link https://clearlinux.org/documentation/ciao-deploy.html
16:07:54 <sameo_> mrkz: What about putting Clear RPMs spec in a packaging dir ?
16:08:15 <sameo_> obedmr: Could we have that one in the ciao wiki ?
16:08:38 <mrkz> sameo_: I guess it would make more sense yeah
16:08:51 <obedmr> sameo_: sure, you mean, like a link to that doc or the full thing?
16:09:01 <sameo_> obedmr: The full thing.
16:10:19 <obedmr> sameo_: sure, will do that
16:10:35 <AmyLee7> #action obedmr will add the full Clear RPMs spec in a packaging dir and on the ciao wiki
16:10:42 <markusry> Does it create a keystone VM or does it assume keystone is already running?
16:10:56 <obedmr> ?
16:11:18 <albertom> markusry: installs keystone too
16:11:24 <markusry> Very fancy
16:11:25 <obedmr> AmyLee7: it's an action that mrkz and I will do
16:11:44 <AmyLee7> ok thank you!
16:11:50 <mrkz> AmyLee7: I'm the one looking at the RPM bits, but as obedmr said ^, team effort :)
16:12:05 <albertom> markusry: that is an example of a playbook, you can make your own to use an existing keystone with minimal effort (no coding)
16:12:17 <AmyLee7> #action mrkz will help obedmr with RPM bits
16:12:23 <markusry> albertom: Got it. Very nice. Does it work on Ubuntu as well?
16:12:51 <albertom> markusry: not yet but that is already on my queue
16:13:09 <albertom> ubuntu + binaries compiled from github master yayyy
16:13:26 <albertom> right now is just for clearlinux and the packaged binaries
16:13:38 <markusry> Okay thanks
16:13:57 <sameo_> #info albertom to extend the playbook to support Ubuntu
16:14:06 <AmyLee7> okay anymore opens?
16:14:19 <markusry> I had one about version numbers?
16:14:35 <markusry> Are we going to add version numbers to our binaries as part of the release process
16:14:44 <markusry> Or are we already doing this?
16:14:57 <kristenc> which binaries are you talking about?
16:15:06 <kristenc> we don't release binaries.
16:15:07 <markusry> ciao-launcher, ciao-controller
16:15:34 <obedmr> markusry: you mean something like ' ciao-launcher --version '
16:15:39 <markusry> Exactly
16:16:05 <markusry> Or maybe even report the version number back to the scheduler
16:16:24 <albertom> oh
16:16:30 <mrkz> +1 ^
16:16:34 <albertom> sounds cool
16:16:36 <tcpepper> ssntp has the means to do that
16:16:37 <markusry> I was just wondering about this yesterday when playing witht he clusters
16:16:38 <albertom> for upgrades
16:16:47 <albertom> where you have mixed versions during the process
16:16:50 <markusry> I realized I had no way of knowing what version of the binaries where installed
16:17:01 <sameo_> markusry: I think I have an issue opened for that.
16:17:08 <markusry> Ah perfect.
16:17:12 <albertom> cia-launcher --version ?
16:17:14 <albertom> :P
16:17:17 * sameo_ verifies
16:17:47 <sameo_> markusry: https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/14
16:18:07 <tcpepper> also, a good distro packaging would have the NVR so you could, eg: "rpm -qf $GOBIN/ciao-scheduler" and should see something like "ciao-8-5.fc24.x86_64"
16:18:28 <markusry> Okay, and what about --version. Should we do this too?
16:18:30 <sameo_> markusry: Versions are already carried through the SSNTP frames, we don't do anything with it yet.
16:18:55 <markusry> But the versions do not match the versions of our releases to they?
16:19:02 <markusry> do they?
16:19:04 <sameo_> markusry: Right now they don't.
16:19:07 <tcpepper> correct
16:19:43 <AmyLee7> #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/14 issue is open for version checking
16:19:44 <ciaoslackbridge> <> Pssst! I didn’t unfurl <https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/14> because it was already shared in this channel quite recently (within the last hour) and I didn’t want to clutter things up.
16:19:44 <tcpepper> I like the idea of plumbing the release tooling to plunk the "N" into the repo in a way that building causes a --version to work, but....
16:20:01 <markusry> Yes me too.
16:20:13 <tcpepper> how do we differentiate a build of "real" release N, versus a build of HEAD after N but before N+1?
16:20:15 <sameo_> tcpepper: Yes, it may be tricky with something we don't build.
16:20:37 <sameo_> tcpepper: N-g<reduced SHA1>
16:20:40 <tcpepper> we'd need "go install" and friends to understand this magic version constant and include it, else the commit-ish
16:21:35 <tcpepper> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11354518/golang-application-auto-build-versioning
16:22:20 <sameo_> we'd need a Makefile then :)
16:22:33 <albertom> mrkz: ^
16:23:47 <sameo_> AmyLee7: We can continue that discussion after the meeting, if you want to move forward.
16:23:51 <tcpepper> yeah
16:23:55 <mrkz> yes please
16:23:59 <AmyLee7> ok
16:24:06 <sameo_> markusry: Could you please create an issue for the --version stuff ?
16:24:17 <AmyLee7> #topic bugs
16:24:43 <AmyLee7> #action markusry create an issue for the version proposal in github
16:24:46 <mcastelino> o/
16:24:48 <markusry> sameo_: Sure
16:25:00 <AmyLee7> #info No P1's this week
16:25:06 <tcpepper> and same P2's as last week
16:25:26 <AmyLee7> yes the only one I want to cover is #98
16:25:35 <AmyLee7> #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/98
16:25:49 <AmyLee7> assigned to leoswaldo and tcpepper
16:26:01 <AmyLee7> the rest of the P2's are scheduled for Sprint 2
16:26:29 <leoswaldo> yes, I haven't had time to make the rework, I'll move it up in my priority list to address the feedback
16:26:41 <AmyLee7> ok thank you leoswaldo
16:27:08 <AmyLee7> #action leoswaldo will address feedback and rework issue 98
16:27:35 <AmyLee7> #link P3's https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues?q=is0X0P+0open+is0X0P+0issue+label0X0P+0bug+label0X0P+0P3
16:28:01 <sameo_> leoswaldo: Could you please also address the comment in your pending PR ?
16:28:16 <leoswaldo> yes, that's my pending
16:28:19 <tcpepper> we swept through the P3's last week and tidied up, but yeah..mostly just lower prio
16:29:19 <AmyLee7> some have been in there for awhile, do we want to make a policy on P3's that if they are there for x amount of time they are re-assigned as P4's?
16:31:14 <AmyLee7> any thoughts?
16:31:31 <tcpepper> do we then close P4's after a while?
16:31:34 <sameo_> AmyLee7: That would not be an incentive to actually go and fix them :)
16:31:48 <tcpepper> it's a slippery slope imho that discourages recording issues and getting around to working on them
16:31:50 <sameo_> AmyLee7: imho we should keep them as P3.
16:32:03 <tcpepper> I don't have a problem with us having 2000 open P3's and P4's
16:32:18 <AmyLee7> ok lets keep as is for now
16:33:08 <AmyLee7> #topic OpenStack Big Tent
16:34:30 <AmyLee7> tcpepper: I think you had this topic
16:34:38 <markusry> Last week, tcpepper summarized the situation
16:34:45 <tcpepper> yeah. I spewed a bunch of conversation starters into the log last week...
16:35:07 <tcpepper> anybody have any thoughts or opinions? keep watching? make a choice to deliberately go one way or the other?
16:35:17 <markusry> The minutes are here:
16:35:18 <markusry> https://github.com/01org/ciao/wiki/Weekly-Meeting-2016-06-30
16:36:05 * sameo_ reads
16:36:06 <AmyLee7> I think keep watching and pursuing compliance with API's
16:36:44 <obedmr> something like: "being compatible instead of Big Tent" ?
16:36:56 <markusry> sounds good to me.
16:37:17 <tcpepper> we need to nail that down to a specific action plan...who's going to do what by when
16:37:19 <AmyLee7> for now I think that is the right approach, while keeping connected to Big tent conversations
16:37:34 <AmyLee7> ok - shall we discuss in our map day?
16:37:35 <sameo_> tcpepper: Have we figured out what "being part of openstack without going through big tent" means ?
16:37:42 <kristenc> i agree - seeking compatibility only for now.
16:37:54 <obedmr> it will be easier and flexible for letting other Cloud projects talk with CIAO
16:38:18 <tcpepper> API compatibility at a minimum. It sounds like we could use their infra, given the discussions around golang and things being "in ecosystem" instead of "in BigTent"
16:38:33 <tcpepper> there's little apparent benefit though to us using their infra imho
16:38:54 <markusry> Me too. It would just create a lot of extra work
16:38:58 <tcpepper> markusry: did you get any pings or signs of follow up on golang test support from the O.S. infra people?
16:39:01 <sameo_> Agreed.
16:39:06 <markusry> And make things harder for contributers as well
16:39:15 <markusry> tcpepper: No
16:39:24 <tcpepper> I'm guessing since they said no to go, the need for infra to support it in test became low prio and the pathfinding probably stopped at that, without implementation
16:39:26 <markusry> Let me check the etherpad
16:39:34 <tcpepper> if there was implementation, I'd like us to engage on it
16:40:01 <markusry> No, no updates
16:40:07 <tcpepper> we've learned a lot about go tooling these past months and have gotten a lot of benefit from it...would be good to share our learnings if there are folks open to collaboration
16:40:14 <tcpepper> ok so it's a wait a see there too
16:41:49 <tcpepper> so the main AR I see here is to define the api compat testing and our current api gaps
16:42:28 <sameo_> tcpepper: And which parts of the API we want to cover.
16:42:43 <AmyLee7> #action AmyLee7 add the API compatability testing and API gaps for Openstack compliance to our map day discussion
16:44:00 <kristenc> i was going to say "define compatibility" :)
16:44:03 <markusry> Are there any commonly used tools that sit ontop of this API, apart from horizon and rally?
16:44:36 <albertom> yes
16:44:37 <albertom> heat
16:44:37 <markusry> Or are we aiming at supporting custom scripts of people who've deployed open stack
16:44:50 <obedmr> Shade
16:44:53 <obedmr> and many more
16:45:08 <tcpepper> heat's the one we've talked about mostly, but people have mentioned some api compatibility test suite or certification process?
16:45:32 <markusry> So maybe if we aim at supporting some of these, this will help us decide what's really needed
16:45:38 <sameo_> yes, some OpenStack certification thingy.
16:46:12 <AmyLee7> http://www.openstack.org/brand/interop/
16:46:17 <AmyLee7> #link http://www.openstack.org/brand/interop/
16:47:29 <AmyLee7> does someone want to take the AR to review this and come to the Map day with what we need to do :)?
16:47:43 <tcpepper> obedmr: have you looked at this already?
16:47:50 <obedmr> sure
16:47:58 <leoswaldo> we can take it
16:48:18 <AmyLee7> obedmr and leoswaldo thank you!
16:48:27 <obedmr> we have been looking on Heat and Rally research, so, we have some stuff from there also
16:49:15 <sameo_> leoswaldo: Thanks.
16:50:10 <mrkz> obedmr: nice
16:50:48 <AmyLee7> #action obedmr and leoswaldo will analyze and identify gaps for Ciao Openstack compatability for our map day 7/11
16:51:48 <AmyLee7> ok anything else before we end the meeting?
16:52:02 <tcpepper> semi-related / open: somebody noted we had a recent spike in github *'s...I was wondering if that might have been O.S. summit presentation proposal reviewers. Do we have any sense of when we'd hear about Barcelona acceptance?
16:52:28 <sameo_> tcpepper: Let me double check.
16:52:35 <sameo_> tcpepper: Let me check.
16:52:36 <obedmr> how many submissions we have?
16:53:07 <kristenc> one really awesome one from our team :)
16:53:07 <sameo_> From the ciao team, one afaik.
16:53:40 <obedmr> I had one that wasn't accepted on last summit, I was planning to submit it again, it's about the OpenStack improvements journey we did in Clear Linux until Ciao
16:53:58 <obedmr> what do you think?
16:54:00 <kristenc> obedmr, I think you might have missed the deadline?
16:54:07 <sameo_> tcpepper: The call for proposal is open until 07/14.
16:54:09 <obedmr> it's 13th
16:54:21 <obedmr> right sameo_
16:54:27 <sameo_> obedmr: How long does the selection process take ?
16:54:50 <obedmr> dont remember, it's like 1 or 2 months
16:54:55 <obedmr> let me check
16:55:15 <kristenc> ah. well - I would personally not submit it again if it got rejected already. It's data it's based on just gets older and less relevant. that is my opinion though.
16:55:23 <AmyLee7> just chatted with Sabrina and OS summit folks said it will not be until August
16:56:37 <markusry> One question about the ansible stuff.
16:56:46 <markusry> Can you also use it to tear down the cluster?
16:57:01 <markusry> Return your cluster to a prestine pre-ciao state?
16:57:18 <markusry> I'm thinking about demos here.
16:57:35 <obedmr> markusry: +1 ^^ use Ansible for dev cluster
16:57:52 <markusry> We're you might want to install ciao over and over again on a cluster
16:57:56 <markusry> i.e., show how easy it is
16:58:02 <markusry> Where I mean
16:58:14 <markusry> to lots of different people
16:58:38 <tcpepper> as long as we know what needs torn down, an ansible script can do it
16:59:06 <tcpepper> ansible isn't much different than those tmux scripts I made....effecitively a series of commands run across a set of machines via ssh's
16:59:13 <markusry> Does it make sense to create an issue for this? WHere is the ansible stuff tracked?
16:59:53 <mrkz> markusry: https://github.com/clearlinux/clear-config-management/
17:00:05 <AmyLee7> #action markusry will create an issue to track the ansible features/demo ideas
17:00:12 <AmyLee7> ok I have to run everyone to another meeting