Weekly Meeting 2016 06 16 - leoswaldo/ciao GitHub Wiki
- opens (5 minutes)
- bugs (10 minutes): pre-seed a list of new or priority up/down candidates into the agenda for meeting focus
- prioritize
- P1- https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/209, sameo
- P2- https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/16, markdryan
- P2- https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/17, markdryan
- P2- https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/98, kristenc
- P2- https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/158, leoswaldo
- P2- https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/234, kristenc
- P2- https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/267, markdryan
- scrub
- update/assign
- Update on daily release process
- Distributed tracing feedback
- https://github.com/01org/ciao/wiki/[RFC]-Tracing
Meeting started by AmyLee7 at 16:01:25 UTC. The full logs are available at ciao-project/2016/ciao-project.2016-06-16-16.01.log.html .
LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/wiki/Weekly-Meeting-2016-06-16 (AmyLee7, 16:02:47)
Opens (AmyLee7, 16:03:45)
- ACTION: sameo will cover releases for kristenc next week (AmyLee7, 16:06:35)
- ACTION: sameo and kristenc will close on coverage offline (AmyLee7, 16:07:14)
- We need to be able to assign issues to more users than what's defined here https://github.com/orgs/01org/teams/ciao (sameo, 16:13:55)
- ACTION: Tim to talk to Gustave about 01org and ciao github org / team membership constraints (tcpepper, 16:16:16)
bugs (AmyLee7, 16:16:51)
- LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/209 (AmyLee7, 16:18:47)
- ACTION: leoswaldo to send a PR for issue #209 (sameo, 16:21:30)
- AmyLee7 updated issue #209 (AmyLee7, 16:22:00)
- LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/16 (AmyLee7, 16:22:31)
- P2 assigned to markdryan (AmyLee7, 16:22:53)
- LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/17 (AmyLee7, 16:24:59)
- P2 assigned to markdryan (AmyLee7, 16:25:26)
- markdryan has not worked on issue #16 or #17 (AmyLee7, 16:25:54)
- ACTION: AmyLee7 follow up with markdryan on issues #16 and #17 (AmyLee7, 16:26:08)
- LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/98 (AmyLee7, 16:26:26)
- P2 assigned to kristenc (AmyLee7, 16:26:42)
- no update to issue 98 (AmyLee7, 16:29:10)
- LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/158 (AmyLee7, 16:29:32)
- P2 assigned to leoswaldo (AmyLee7, 16:29:48)
- no update to issue #158 (AmyLee7, 16:31:26)
- ACTION: leoswaldo will look at this today as it is a P2 (AmyLee7, 16:31:50)
- LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/267 (AmyLee7, 16:33:42)
- P2 assigned to markdryan (AmyLee7, 16:33:51)
- ACTION: AmyLee7 follow up with markdryan on issue #267 (AmyLee7, 16:34:28)
- LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/270 (AmyLee7, 16:35:05)
- P1 not assigned (AmyLee7, 16:35:28)
- ACTION: assign issue #270 to albertom (AmyLee7, 16:36:28)
Update on daily release process (AmyLee7, 16:38:09)
- we had our first release on Tuesday! (AmyLee7, 16:41:13)
- releases are scheduled once a day m-f, this week at 4pm pacific (AmyLee7, 16:42:08)
- kristenc thinks it's safer to run test on real HW for the release process (sameo, 16:48:59)
- with the latest single VM PR, we are getting close to being able to run all BATs on travis (sameo, 16:50:10)
- LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/wiki/Release-Process (tcpepper, 16:51:03)
- LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/pull/265 (tcpepper, 16:54:16)
- LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/pull/265 (AmyLee7, 16:54:17)
- ACTION: tcpepper and markdryan review pr #265 (AmyLee7, 16:54:47)
- ACTION: kristenc update the release process to reflect actual implementation after PR #265 is merged (AmyLee7, 16:55:49)
Distributed tracing feedback (AmyLee7, 16:57:03)
- LINK: https://github.com/01org/ciao/wiki/%5BRFC%5D-Tracing (AmyLee7, 16:57:16)
- ACTION: anyone who has feedback on sameo tracing architecture please read and comment on it (AmyLee7, 17:00:34)
- ACTION: team provide feedback on the tracing architecture via mailing list with Subject: [Ciao-Devel] [RFC] Ciao distributed tracing or provide comments on #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/229 (AmyLee7, 17:03:32)
- ACTION: team try the single vm setup and provide feedback and bugs via edits on the wiki (AmyLee7, 17:07:28)
Meeting ended at 17:08:31 UTC.
- sameo will cover releases for kristenc next week
- sameo and kristenc will close on coverage offline
- Tim to talk to Gustave about 01org and ciao github org / team membership constraints
- leoswaldo to send a PR for issue #209
- AmyLee7 follow up with markdryan on issues #16 and #17
- leoswaldo will look at this today as it is a P2
- AmyLee7 follow up with markdryan on issue #267
- assign issue #270 to albertom
- tcpepper and markdryan review pr #265
- kristenc update the release process to reflect actual implementation after PR #265 is merged
- anyone who has feedback on sameo tracing architecture please read and comment on it
- team provide feedback on the tracing architecture via mailing list with Subject: [Ciao-Devel] [RFC] Ciao distributed tracing or provide comments on #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/229
- team try the single vm setup and provide feedback and bugs via edits on the wiki
- albertom
- assign issue #270 to albertom
- AmyLee7
- AmyLee7 follow up with markdryan on issues #16 and #17
- AmyLee7 follow up with markdryan on issue #267
- kristenc
- sameo will cover releases for kristenc next week
- sameo and kristenc will close on coverage offline
- kristenc update the release process to reflect actual implementation after PR #265 is merged
- leoswaldo
- leoswaldo to send a PR for issue #209
- leoswaldo will look at this today as it is a P2
- sameo
- sameo will cover releases for kristenc next week
- sameo and kristenc will close on coverage offline
- anyone who has feedback on sameo tracing architecture please read and comment on it
- tcpepper
- tcpepper and markdryan review pr #265
- Tim to talk to Gustave about 01org and ciao github org / team membership constraints
- team provide feedback on the tracing architecture via mailing list with Subject: [Ciao-Devel] [RFC] Ciao distributed tracing or provide comments on #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/229
- team try the single vm setup and provide feedback and bugs via edits on the wiki
- AmyLee7 (75)
- tcpepper (38)
- sameo (38)
- kristenc (34)
- mrkz (11)
- leoswaldo (10)
- obedmr (9)
- mcastelino (8)
- ciaoslackbridge (5)
- albertom (3)
- _erick0zcr (2)
- ciaomtgbot (2)
- jvillalo (1)
- chamings (1)
Generated by MeetBot
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###Full IRC Log
16:01:25 <AmyLee7> #startmeeting
16:01:25 <ciaomtgbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 16 16:01:25 2016 UTC. The chair is AmyLee7. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:01:25 <ciaomtgbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:01:48 <AmyLee7> o/
16:01:52 <mcastelino> o/
16:02:00 <tcpepper> o/
16:02:22 <sameo> o/
16:02:27 <leoswaldo> o/
16:02:32 <kristenc> o/
16:02:47 <AmyLee7> #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/wiki/Weekly-Meeting-2016-06-16
16:02:50 <obedmr> o/
16:03:17 <AmyLee7> Good morning/afternoon everyone
16:03:24 <jvillalo> 0/
16:03:24 <mrkz> o/
16:03:28 <AmyLee7> we are starting with opens
16:03:45 <AmyLee7> #topic Opens
16:04:08 <kristenc> i have an open
16:04:55 <AmyLee7> ok kristenc
16:04:59 <kristenc> i will not be here next week and need someone to cover for making sure the releases happen and the minutes get updated. I haven't got everything completely automated yet with either of these things - so it needs a little bit of human intervention.
16:05:02 <albertom> o/
16:05:23 <_erick0zcr> o/
16:05:40 <sameo> kristenc: I can take care of doing the releases.
16:05:50 <chamings> o/
16:06:34 <sameo> kristenc: If you can point me at your releases scripts.
16:06:35 <AmyLee7> #action sameo will cover releases for kristenc next week
16:06:39 <kristenc> sameo: thanks. lets chat later and I'll show you how it's done.
16:06:49 <sameo> kristenc: Sounds good.
16:07:14 <AmyLee7> #action sameo and kristenc will close on coverage offline
16:07:20 <AmyLee7> any other opens?
16:07:34 <mrkz> not from my side
16:07:35 <obedmr> users in github issue
16:07:40 <sameo> AmyLee7: I'll be out of the office next week.
16:08:00 <AmyLee7> sameo: will you still be able to cover?
16:08:16 <sameo> AmyLee7: Sorry, tomorrow, not next week.
16:08:25 <sameo> AmyLee7: I'll be out of the office tomorrow...
16:08:31 <tcpepper> I can help too
16:08:42 <AmyLee7> ok sounds good!
16:08:53 <obedmr> AmyLee7: it's about, if it's possible to add us (leoswaldo, albertomurillo, mrkz, obedmr, erick0z) as developers, in order to get issues assigned
16:09:36 <AmyLee7> obedmr: Yes we need to figure out how to do this
16:09:41 <tcpepper> obedmr: in which..github? or waffle? and which github project? ciao or webui or both?
16:10:02 <obedmr> tcpepper: I think if we fix it on github, it's replicated to waffle
16:10:09 <obedmr> CIAO
16:10:11 <obedmr> project
16:10:13 <AmyLee7> github project is where the issue is
16:10:41 <AmyLee7> its weird that folks can submit an issue but cannot be assigned as an owner
16:10:46 <tcpepper> so the gap is we're config'd in a way where can't assign an issue in our project to an arbitrary github user?
16:11:16 <AmyLee7> tcpepper: yes
16:11:54 <tcpepper> this is a problem...
16:12:17 <tcpepper> it may require 01org level org change in github config from what I'm seeing
16:12:20 <sameo> tcpepper: We only see a limited number of users when clicking on the assignement icon on github
16:12:35 <AmyLee7> can someone take the lead and open a Jira with OTC ops to get this fixed and configured to be able to assign items to these folks?
16:12:37 <tcpepper> yep just looked
16:12:44 <tcpepper> it's the people here: https://github.com/orgs/01org/teams/ciao
16:13:08 <tcpepper> if I understand what Gustave had explained a couple months ago...folks there have to be part of 01org
16:13:55 <sameo> #info We need to be able to assign issues to more users than what's defined here https://github.com/orgs/01org/teams/ciao
16:13:56 <ciaoslackbridge> <> Pssst! I didn’t unfurl <https://github.com/orgs/01org/teams/ciao> because it was already shared in this channel quite recently (within the last hour) and I didn’t want to clutter things up.
16:13:58 <albertom> 404 not found
16:14:06 <tcpepper> oh great
16:14:17 <leoswaldo> requested :)
16:14:17 <tcpepper> you can't even view that unless you're in the 01org org and ciao team
16:14:17 <AmyLee7> I just got a request from obedmr
16:14:29 <obedmr> yep, I just did it
16:14:35 <AmyLee7> and there is one waiting for leoswaldo that I just found
16:14:37 * mrkz clicks 'request to join' button
16:14:48 <_erick0zcr> 404
16:15:09 <kristenc> still - it doesn't seem good that you can't assign issues to any old user. we shouldn't require everyone to be part of the 01org ciao
16:15:21 <obedmr> ok, _erick0zcr and albertom I will give you the internal process you need to join it (01org)
16:15:27 <tcpepper> we cannot require any contrib to ciao be a member of 01org
16:15:29 <tcpepper> that's not open
16:15:36 <sameo> Agreed.
16:15:40 <mrkz> +1 ^
16:15:42 <tcpepper> hopefully we can change this or we're going to have to move out of 01org
16:15:45 <kristenc> yes.
16:16:16 <tcpepper> #action Tim to talk to Gustave about 01org and ciao github org / team membership constraints
16:16:29 <sameo> thanks tcpepper
16:16:39 <AmyLee7> thank you tcpepper!
16:16:51 <AmyLee7> #topic bugs
16:16:51 <obedmr> thanks tcpepper and AmyLee7
16:17:31 <kristenc> surely they've resolved this by now - we aren't the only 01org project that would like to have contributors from outside the org.
16:17:41 <tcpepper> kristenc: I wouldn't count on that.
16:17:59 * tcpepper just glanced throught the org / team / members and am not seeing that to be the case
16:18:05 <tcpepper> "fork it on github" and PR
16:18:07 <AmyLee7> ;/
16:18:19 <tcpepper> other proj's may not do issue tracking on github
16:18:23 <mrkz> thanks tcpepper, AmyLee7, shall we continue with the agenda please? :)
16:18:27 <tcpepper> yes
16:18:29 <kristenc> ah - that makes sense.
16:18:33 <AmyLee7> ok first bug P1- https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/209, sameo
16:18:47 <AmyLee7> #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/209
16:18:47 <ciaoslackbridge> <> Pssst! I didn’t unfurl <https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/209> because it was already shared in this channel quite recently (within the last hour) and I didn’t want to clutter things up.
16:19:01 <leoswaldo> actually that is mine, but asigned to sameo
16:19:13 <sameo> AmyLee7: That's typically one i'd like to assign to leoswaldo
16:19:52 <AmyLee7> leoswaldo: any updates to this?
16:19:57 <sameo> leoswaldo: If you have some code ready for this one, feel free to send a PR.
16:20:21 <leoswaldo> I'm still working on that, I had expected to send the pull request this past monday, unfortunately rally is cycled on a request, I'm trying to find out still what is doing this behavior
16:20:37 <mrkz> leoswaldo: even a PR for code feedback is good to send :)
16:20:38 <leoswaldo> I can send the pull request, however it may need a rework later
16:20:55 <sameo> leoswaldo: The sooner you send a PR the better.
16:20:57 <mrkz> leoswaldo: send it as a [RFC] :D
16:20:59 <kristenc> leoswaldo, just mark it [DONOTMERGE] if you aren't ready.
16:21:30 <sameo> #action leoswaldo to send a PR for issue #209
16:21:32 <leoswaldo> okas I will do, regarding the issue with rally, its not in our end, but that might be somthing we are returning they don't expect
16:21:35 <leoswaldo> I'll do
16:22:00 <AmyLee7> #info AmyLee7 updated issue #209
16:22:15 <AmyLee7> ok next bug
16:22:31 <AmyLee7> #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/16
16:22:53 <AmyLee7> #info P2 assigned to markdryan
16:23:14 <AmyLee7> mark is not in this meeting today, does anyone have an update to this issue?
16:23:57 <sameo> AmyLee7: I don't think Mark worked on it.
16:24:59 <AmyLee7> #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/17
16:25:26 <AmyLee7> #info P2 assigned to markdryan
16:25:29 <AmyLee7> do you know if it is the same story for this one?
16:25:35 <sameo> Yes it is.
16:25:54 <AmyLee7> #info markdryan has not worked on issue #16 or #17
16:26:08 <AmyLee7> #action AmyLee7 follow up with markdryan on issues #16 and #17
16:26:26 <AmyLee7> #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/98
16:26:42 <AmyLee7> #info P2 assigned to kristenc
16:28:02 <AmyLee7> kristenc: any update?
16:28:13 <kristenc> AmyLee7, no.
16:29:10 <AmyLee7> #info no update to issue 98
16:29:32 <AmyLee7> #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/158
16:29:40 <leoswaldo> o/
16:29:48 <AmyLee7> #info P2 assigned to leoswaldo
16:29:59 <leoswaldo> no update for this one yet
16:30:49 <leoswaldo> I'm planning to take a look at this today and tomorrow, due to P2
16:31:26 <AmyLee7> #info no update to issue #158
16:31:45 <tcpepper> (FYI I've just added a new P1 to the list)
16:31:50 <AmyLee7> #action leoswaldo will look at this today as it is a P2
16:32:13 <AmyLee7> kristenc: is issue 98 a P2?
16:32:36 <kristenc> AmyLee7, yes.
16:32:46 <AmyLee7> ok just checking
16:33:25 <AmyLee7> the last one is also assigned to markdryan and will take down for notes and actions
16:33:42 <AmyLee7> #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/267
16:33:51 <AmyLee7> #info P2 assigned to markdryan
16:33:55 <sameo> tcpepper: On the agenda ?
16:34:28 <AmyLee7> #action AmyLee7 follow up with markdryan on issue #267
16:34:57 <tcpepper> AmyLee7: refresh issues page https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues
16:34:59 <AmyLee7> back to tcpepper P1 that was added
16:35:05 <AmyLee7> #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/270
16:35:07 <tcpepper> I just added https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/270
16:35:08 <ciaoslackbridge> <> Pssst! I didn’t unfurl <https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/270> because it was already shared in this channel quite recently (within the last hour) and I didn’t want to clutter things up.
16:35:22 <tcpepper> I'd assign it to albertom, but...the open on assigning
16:35:28 <AmyLee7> #info P1 not assigned
16:36:28 <AmyLee7> #action assign issue #270 to albertom
16:36:39 <albertom> wasnt aware of this will fix it asap
16:36:54 <AmyLee7> thank you albertom!
16:37:43 <AmyLee7> ok P1 & P2 bugs are scrubbed
16:37:53 <AmyLee7> onto the next topic
16:38:09 <AmyLee7> #topic Update on daily release process
16:38:53 <sameo> kristenc: Could you give us a brief status ?
16:39:07 <kristenc> AmyLee7, we did our first release Tuesday. And another yesterday. We are inches from having it be fully automated.
16:39:22 <kristenc> I submitted a PR for some really basic bat tests to be included in the ciao repo.
16:39:44 <kristenc> currently, we fail the bat tests about 500f the time, which is why we aren't completely automated yet.
16:39:53 <kristenc> and the release notes still aren't getting attached properly.
16:40:12 <kristenc> I'm going to see if I can fix this today and tomorrow.
16:40:22 <sameo> nice that we got our first 2 releases.
16:40:26 <kristenc> I scheduled releases to happen m-f at 4pm pacific time.
16:40:40 <kristenc> we can change it - I picked that time so I could monitor it.
16:41:13 <kristenc> I will submit a pr for the release notes generator as soon as it is reliable.
16:41:13 <AmyLee7> #info we had our first release on Tuesday!
16:41:24 <sameo> kristenc: It'll be a bit earlier during next week :)
16:41:33 <kristenc> sameo: heh, I figured.
16:42:08 <AmyLee7> #info releases are scheduled once a day m-f, this week at 4pm pacific
16:42:21 <kristenc> I think that's pretty much where we are with the releases.
16:42:59 <kristenc> i'm not sure if the bat test failures are due to the release cluster setup yet.
16:43:17 <kristenc> so I'm experimenting with some stuff today.
16:43:47 <sameo> kristenc: You're using one of our test internal clusters for the release ?
16:44:05 <kristenc> sameo: no - I have set up a separate one.
16:44:16 <sameo> kristenc: Ah, ok.
16:45:28 <sameo> kristenc: Would the single VM setup be good enough ? Or do you want to run tests on real HW ?
16:45:41 <kristenc> sameo: I feel we should run on real hardware for sure.
16:45:49 <sameo> Makes sense.
16:46:13 <kristenc> you encounter different issues when you introduce latency and other constraints you won't find on the single vm.
16:46:23 <mcastelino> kristenc: with the latest PR you can run the single VM on hardware too.. but still it will be on a single machine.. not a real cluster
16:46:59 <kristenc> mcastelino, I think we should definitely run the bat tests on a single vm as part of our travis ci.
16:47:13 <kristenc> but for the release - I think we should run on an actual cluster.
16:48:01 <tcpepper> +1 on that
16:48:02 <mcastelino> kristenc: agree... I still have not figured out a clean way to run directly on travis... but with the lastest PR we are close to getting there
16:48:59 <sameo> #info kristenc thinks it's safer to run test on real HW for the release process
16:49:30 <sameo> #agreed it's safer to run test on real HW for the release process
16:50:10 <sameo> #info with the latest single VM PR, we are getting close to being able to run all BATs on travis
16:50:20 <mcastelino> I think we need to document that we need developer to sucessfully run test either with single VM or real cluster before submitting a PR in CONTRIBUTING
16:50:47 <AmyLee7> is the release process documentation on the wiki up to date?
16:51:03 <tcpepper> #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/wiki/Release-Process
16:51:18 <sameo> mcastelino: We could add that to the PR that will enable BAT in travis ?
16:51:45 <kristenc> AmyLee7, I can update it now that we have a process in place to reflect what actually got implemented.
16:51:54 <kristenc> once the bat test PR is merged.
16:52:30 <AmyLee7> who is merging the bat test PR and is it done?
16:52:46 <tcpepper> Mark and I are the merge masters at the moment
16:53:04 <tcpepper> I didn't have time to review last night
16:53:06 <tcpepper> looking now
16:53:23 <kristenc> it might need some discussion.
16:53:32 <kristenc> we can discuss after the meeting in the PR
16:53:36 <kristenc> or on IRC
16:54:00 <AmyLee7> kristenc: is it comit #265?
16:54:04 <tcpepper> yep
16:54:14 <kristenc> yes
16:54:16 <tcpepper> #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/pull/265
16:54:17 <AmyLee7> #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/pull/265
16:54:18 <ciaoslackbridge> <> Pssst! I didn’t unfurl <https://github.com/01org/ciao/pull/265> because it was already shared in this channel quite recently (within the last hour) and I didn’t want to clutter things up.
16:54:47 <AmyLee7> #action tcpepper and markdryan review pr #265
16:55:49 <AmyLee7> #action kristenc update the release process to reflect actual implementation after PR #265 is merged
16:56:21 <AmyLee7> lets discuss #265 right after the meeting?
16:56:29 <AmyLee7> we have one more item on the agenda
16:56:53 <mcastelino> kristenc: I should use your script to check the cluster status too.. in the single VM case
16:57:03 <AmyLee7> #topic Distributed tracing feedback
16:57:16 <AmyLee7> #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/wiki/ 16:57:52 <sameo> I'm planning to start working on it next week, so if anyone has feedback, feel free to shout now :)
16:58:21 <tcpepper> it's on my list to read thoroughly today
16:58:23 <tcpepper> and comment
16:58:37 <sameo> tcpepper: Thanks.
17:00:03 <mrkz> sameo: about "Privacy: SSNTP traces payloads should be discarded as they could contain confidential and personal tenant information."
17:00:32 <mrkz> is there any plan to add something like "--debug/--developer" option to actually allow to check this traces from the logging?
17:00:34 <AmyLee7> #action anyone who has feedback on sameo tracing architecture please read and comment on it
17:00:54 <mrkz> I think that would be useful as developer to trace issues related to that :)
17:01:14 <sameo> mrkz: I don't have any plans for that, but it may be a good idea.
17:01:25 <mcastelino> sameo: can you create an issue for this review as we can provide feedback through github... you cannot comment on the wiki. Unless you want comments offline
17:01:37 <mrkz> +1 ^
17:01:41 <tcpepper> +1^
17:01:48 <sameo> mcastelino: Comments on the mailing list would be great.
17:02:14 <tcpepper> that works for me
17:02:42 <mcastelino> that works too
17:02:48 <tcpepper> Subject: [Ciao-Devel] [RFC] Ciao distributed tracing
17:03:00 <sameo> tcpepper, mcastelino: Or https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/229
17:03:13 <sameo> But mailing list would be better imho.
17:03:32 <AmyLee7> #action team provide feedback on the tracing architecture via mailing list with Subject: [Ciao-Devel] [RFC] Ciao distributed tracing or provide comments on #link https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/229
17:03:33 <ciaoslackbridge> <> Pssst! I didn’t unfurl <https://github.com/01org/ciao/issues/229> because it was already shared in this channel quite recently (within the last hour) and I didn’t want to clutter things up.
17:04:08 <AmyLee7> ok anything else we need to cover before we end the meeting?
17:04:30 <mcastelino> a request... can people try the single vm setup and provide me feedback/bugs
17:04:45 <tcpepper> that too is on my todo list
17:04:46 <sameo> mcastelino: I'm doing this right now. Fedora VM on Fedora.
17:05:45 <tcpepper> and I've made a few edits to the wiki. as I go through trying to use I'll also try to wordsmith a bit for simplicity and clarity as mcastelino asked me the other day
17:06:43 <AmyLee7> mcastelino: where should folks provide feedback?
17:07:04 <sameo> AmyLee7: They can edit the wiki first.
17:07:28 <AmyLee7> #action team try the single vm setup and provide feedback and bugs via edits on the wiki
17:08:27 <sameo> AmyLee7: I have to go to another meeting now.