Getting An API Key - leonidasIIV/MinimalWeather GitHub Wiki
An API Key is a secret code of sorts that allows an application make calls to an API to perform actions, save, change, or get data from a central location. In the case of these gadgets, we need an API Key to retrieve Weather data from
Creating an Account
And account is required to get an API key. To create an account, use the signup page provided by
Generating an API Key
Now that you have created your account, we can proceed to generating an API key. To do this visit the API Key page provided by
NOTE: It is strongly discouraged to use the Default API Key as it can not be revoked if is becomes public. You should NEVER give out your API key!
Now enter a name for the new API key and click the Generate button. A new API Key should appear on the left with a successful banner notification popping up.
Configuring MinimalWeather to Use Your API Key
Now that we have an API Key ready to use, now we need to tell the MinimalWeather gadgets to use it. We do this by copying the API key, loading the GlobalSettings gadget, pasting the API key into the API KEY: box, and pressing enter.
If everything went correctly, you should now see your API key in the API KEY: box of the GlobalSettings box. You should now be all set up and getting weather data.
NOTE: There may be a few second delay with getting weather data after setting an API Key in MinimalWeather. This is due to the API Key limits of 60 calls per minute and the resulting refresh rate of the source data of once per second.