Retornos de consulta SPF - leonamp/SPFBL GitHub Wiki
Nas consultas SPF, o SPFBL retorna os resultados:
BLOCKED - remetente bloqueado FAIL - remetente não autorizado GREYLIST - entrega atrasada INTERRUPTED - timeout em consulta DNS INVALID - hostname e remetente são inválidos LAN - enviado dentro da mesma rede ou do mesmo domínio NEUTRAL - remetente neutro NONE - registro SPF inexistente PASS - êxito na consulta SPF SOFTFAIL - remetente autorizado em ~all ou ?all WHITE - remetente em whitelist
Modo de escrita do SPF consultado:
"+" Pass "-" Fail "~" SoftFail "?" Neutral
Result / Explanation / Intended action Pass / The SPF record designates the host to be allowed to send / accept Fail / The SPF record has designated the host as NOT being allowed to send / reject SoftFail / The SPF record has designated the host as NOT being allowed to send but is in transition / accept but mark Neutral / The SPF record specifies explicitly that nothing can be said about validity / accept None / The domain does not have an SPF record or the SPF record does not evaluate to a result / accept PermError / A permanent error has occured (eg. badly formatted SPF record) / unspecified TempError / A transient error has occured / accept or reject