Sourcemod - lenosisnickerboa/csgosl GitHub Wiki
The csgosl distribution includes sourcemod (and metamod), i.e. they are installed along with the csgo server. I'm new to using sourcemod and so far I only have been using it for being able to control stuff like voting, changing maps, harassing players.
To get started:
- Run the game and connect to your server
- Enable the developer console. (Enable Developer Console in Game settings, might have to bind a key to it, see here.)
- Press the ~ key (the key over the TAB key, this is the default key). A window should open up.
- Type sm_admin and press ENTER
- Press ESC to close the console window.
You now have a menu to the left where you can select different options using the number keys 0-9.
Sourcemod contains a lot of commands for controlling your server, e.g. look here for a list. You enter the commands in the same way you entered the sm_admin command above.