Host workshop maps - lenosisnickerboa/csgosl GitHub Wiki

To host a workshop map you need an API autorization key which is issued by Valve on Steam. Just head over to the Steam Registration page and generate a key. Copy and paste this key into the apiauthkey setting on the Steam tab.

NOTE: If you don't have a domain name it seems it's ok to enter e.g. your servers IP address or your PCs hostname. See e.g. here or here.

Now you're ready to host your own maps (and map groups).

To select a new workshop map go here: CSGO workshop maps

Select a map, e.g. Tides - Wingman

Please note the number next to the "id=..." part in the browser address field. Copy and paste this number (1508934767 in this example) into the startmap setting on the Run tab and start the server. That's it! The server will download the map from the workshop and your connecting friends will automatically download the map from the workshop when they later connect to your server.

The map will from now on show up under the Maps tab and it will also be selectable when you create your own map groups. Also note, once the server has downloaded the map you don't need to host it using the id number any more, your friends will still be automatically download the map from the workshop.

If you host a buggy workshop map which causes the server or connecting clients to crash remove the map folder from /server/csgo/maps/workshop/ and restart csgosl.

You can also permanently host a map by heading into the Steam tab, under "Host a workshop map/mapgroup" and enter the same workshop id as described above. The only difference is this map will always be hosted and updated when your server is started, regardless of what you have selected in the Run tab.