Help on Server - lenosisnickerboa/csgosl GitHub Wiki


  • name The name of your server, shown in the CSGO server browser list.
  • password Protect your server with a password. Must be entered to connect to your server.
  • tags Your servers tags, enter them as a comma separated list. Can be searched for in the csgo server browser. Example: 128fps,admins
  • port The port your server is listening to. See [Host public server](Host public server)
  • lanonly Your server will only be reachable from your LAN (Local Area Network).
  • rcon If enabled enables the remote server console used to control the server at run time.
  • rconpassword Protect your rcon connection with a password. Must be entered to be able to control your server.
  • updateserveronstart Performs a csgo server update when csgosl is started. Please be patient, it may seem like the application has hung but the update sometimes takes up to a minute to start.
  • restartserveronstart Restarts your csgo server when csgosl is started. Server is started if not running.
  • restartserverat Restarts your csgo server at certain points in time. Enter times as a space separated list of 24h times, e.g. 05:00 11:00 17:00 23:00.
  • updateserveronrestart Performs a csgo server update when csgosl is restarted. Please be patient, it may seem like the application has hung but the update sometimes takes up to a minute to start.


  • bindip IP address which your server should bind to.Leave blank if you don't have a problem with connecting to the server. May e.g. be used when running on a VLAN to force the server to bind to the VLAN.
  • autorestart If enabled automatically restarts your server if it crashes.
  • tickrate Sets the tickrate used for communication between your game client and the server. Will request all connecting game clients to use the stated tickrate.
  • netmaxfilesize Affects how large files (maps) can be downloaded from your server. 64 (MB) is the maximum value. This is only valid for user installed non-workshop maps.