Help on GOTV - lenosisnickerboa/csgosl GitHub Wiki
gotvenable Controls if GOTV functionality is enabled or not in the server.
gotvtitle GOTV server title.
gotvpassword Spectators must enter this password to spectate.
gotvmaxclients Max number of clients allowed to spectate.
gotvchat Control if spectators are allowed to chat with each other.
gotvport The GOTV port used to connect to the GOTV server. To be able to connect from outside your LAN this port must be forwarded in your router to the servers IP address.
gotvautorecord Automatically records all games as GOTV demos.
gotvdelay How many seconds the broadcast is delayed. Set to 0 for direct broadcast.
gotvallowstaticshots Auto director uses fixed level cameras for shots.
gotvallowcameraman Auto director allows spectators to become camera man.
gotvsnapshotrate Broadcast framerate per second.
gotvdelaymapchange Delay map change until broadcast is finished.
gotvdeltacache Broadcast smoothness factor.
See more here Host a GOTV server