Help on Application - lenosisnickerboa/csgosl GitHub Wiki


  • fullconfig Enable to get all available options in csgosl. Save and restart csgosl for this change to take effect. See Help on Advanced Tabs
  • dryrun Performs everything except starting the server. Can be useful for troubleshooting.
  • updatecheck Check for new csgosl updates when csgosl is started. Presents a dialog box allowing csgosl to be updated whenever a new version is detected.
  • tclconsole Windows only. Starts a tcl console window when csgosl is started. Can be useful for troubleshooting.
  • trace Control csgosl tracing. Traces are printed to the terminal window (linux) and console tab (windows).
  • showdonation Controls if the donation button should be visible or not. Please consider making a donation prior to disabling the donation button.

Set defaults Resets all settings in all pages back to their default values.