Concept - lennartdeknikker/frontend-applications GitHub Wiki

When we visited the Tropenmuseum to get an idea of what the collection is about, I found out that there are a lot of Indonesian Ancestor Statues, but those are spread around expositions without options to compare. When I visited the library to find out more about the statues, there seemed to be specific visual characteristics depending on the regions those originated from.

That's why I thought of building an application that makes it easy to compare the different statues from different collections, without having to visit multiple museums or having to dig through inventory. Eventually when I collected the data I would be working with, there were a lot of duplicate items, which made it harder to speak of similarities. I simplified the concept and started on building an explorer application to get an idea of the collection, keeping options open for building additional components to for example compare items.

Below you can see the first sketch for this concept. ontwerp 1

This concept will be the starting point for both the functional programming as well as the frontend data courses.