Health News Micron & Associates Blog: 10 tips for a healthy festive Eid - lenagartner/Micron-Associates-Health-and-Fitness GitHub Wiki

Meat is something difficult to digest in comparison to fruits and vegetables

Traditional Eid-time cooking can be healthy, but when you’re celebrating, it’s easy to forget and indulge in too much food that has a lot of salt or saturated fat. But even during celebrations, it’s good to check it you’re still eating healthily.

Health care tips are important in this regard, and one must take care of this to ensure better health in the time when there an abundance of meat. Eid-al-Azha health care tips have serious direction towards meat lovers. The list of given health care tips will enable you to ensure better health. Following, are the Eid-al-Azha health care tips.

Don’t take excessive meat

Meat is something difficult to digest in comparison to fruits and vegetables. It is better to avoid excessive meat. Look out for the leaner cuts and remove any visible fat before cooking. You can ask your butcher to make the mince from leaner cuts of meat.

Morning or evening walk

Health care tips cannot be complete without giving due importance to walking, specially in the days of Eid ul Azha. The walk will enable your stomach to work properly and will help to digest food. Health care tips for Eid-al-Azha includes walking as the most important part.

Fix time of meal

One of the abuses we find in our society is lack of routine in eating food, especially on the occasion of Eid. Try to keep your routine intact even in the days of Eid. If you feel hungry then you can take some vegetable snacks or sugar free drinks or coconut water.

Choose vegetable oil

Try using a vegetable oil like rapeseed or sunflower, instead of ghee or butter when you’re cooking. Start by measuring the amount you would normally add and gradually use a bit less.

Fruits and green vegetables

Never forget about fruits and vegetables even in the days of Eid-al-Azha. These are the vital components of health especially in the days of Eid-al -Azha. Mix it up by tossing lots of different vegetables into a salad. You can include lettuce, tomato, cucumber, radish (noola), carrots, peppers and sweetcorn. Spice up a fruit salad by using chaat masala (a spice mix) with fruits like apples, pears, oranges, papaya and pomegranate seeds. Use fruit juice to add sweetness, rather than sugar or syrup.

Less use of carbonated beverages

Studies of health care tips have shown us that the impact of soft drinks is very temporary. One should avoid the use of cold drinks in the days of Eid-al-Azha due to a number of reasons. Health care tips discourage the use of any soft drink.

Green tea

Include green tea at least after one meal. It is established that green tea would make digestion as an easy process.

Less spice and pepper

Major cause of health problems is the excessive use of spices. It is clearly marked that the use of spices should be minimised for better health.

At least 6 hours break between the meals

Researchers have shown that the delay between two consecutive meals should not be less than 6 hours at least.

Homemade food

In context of our country, it is clearly marked that the homemade food as an important ingredient to health. In the days of Eid-al-Azha, try to cook every possible food at home in the best possible hygienic way. So it is strongly suggested to avoid meals at restaurants.

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