OAuth Instructions - legoguy1000/FRC-Portal GitHub Wiki


  1. Create OAuth Credentials
    1. Go to the Google Cloud Console and create a new project
    2. Go to the Google Cloud Console Credentials page
    3. Click Create Credenitals
    4. Click OAuth Client ID
    5. Select Web Application
    6. Leave the name default or change it
    7. Set the Authorized JavaScript origins to be the full url of your site. It must be https. For Example, https://portal.teamXXX.org
    8. Set the Authorized redirect URIs to the full url of your site with "/oauth" at the end. For Example, https://portal.teamXXX.org/oauth/google
    9. Click create
    10. Copy your Client ID and Client Secret and input on the Login Settings Page
  2. Set up OAuth Consent Screen
    1. Set Application Type to public
    2. Set the Application Name
    3. Upload your team logo for the Application Logo
    4. Select your Support Email*
    5. Input your Application Homepage link, Application Privacy Policy link, Application Terms of Service link
  3. Google Plus API is deprecated and no longer needed
  4. Test Login
    1. Update the local admin account with a real email address attached to a google account OR use another user if able.
    2. Try logging in. First time logins will present the authorization and consent screen.


  1. Go to the Facebook Developers Console page
  2. Click Add a New App
  3. Name it anything and add a contact email
  4. Click Create App ID
  5. Go to Basic Settings (https://developers.facebook.com/apps/**APPID**/settings/basic/)
  6. Copy your App ID and App Secret and input on the Login Settings Page
  7. Fill in the listed input fields
    1. Display Name
    2. Contact Email
    3. Privacy Policy URL
    4. Terms of Service URL
    5. App Icon
    6. Business Use (should select Support my own Business)
    7. Site URL (At the bottom of the page)
  8. Click Save
  9. Add Facebook Login
    1. Click Products +
    2. Select Set Up Facebook Login
    3. Select WWW
    4. Input your Site URL
    5. Click Save and Continue
    6. Click Facebook Login Settings (https://developers.facebook.com/apps/APPID/fb-login/settings/)
    7. Make sure the following are enabled: Client OAuth Login, Web OAuth Login, Enforce HTTPS, Use Strict Mode for Redirect URIs
    8. Set the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs to the full url of your site with "/oauth" at the end. For Example, https://portal.teamXXX.org/oauth/facebook
  10. Test Login
    1. Update the local admin account with a real email address attached to a Facebook account OR use another user if able.
    2. Try logging in. First time logins will present the authorization and consent screen.


  1. Go to the Microsoft Developers Console
  2. Click Add an App
  3. Create a name and click continue. DO NOT select guided setup.
  4. Copy your Application ID and input on the Login Settings Page
  5. Click Generate New Password
  6. Copy your Application Password and input on the Login Settings Page
  7. Click Add Platform and select Web
  8. Set the Redirect URLs to the full url of your site with "/oauth" at the end. For Example, https://portal.teamXXX.org/oauth/microsoft
  9. Click Add nest to Delegated Permissions under Microsoft Graph Permissions
  10. Select email, openid, profile from list
  11. Input the following under Profile: Logo, Home page URL, Terms of Service URL, Privacy Statement URL
  12. Click Save
  13. Test Login
    1. Update the local admin account with a real email address attached to a Microsoft account OR use another user if able.
    2. Try logging in. First time logins will present the authorization and consent screen.


  1. Go to the Amazon Developers Console
  2. Create a security profile
  3. Go to Web Settings
  4. Copy your Client ID and Client Secret and input on the Login Settings Page
  5. Set the Allowed Origins to the full url of your site
  6. Set the Allowed Return URLs to the full url of your site with "/oauth" at the end. For Example, https://portal.teamXXX.org/oauth/amazon
  7. Click Save
  8. Test Login
    1. Update the local admin account with a real email address attached to a Amazon account OR use another user if able.
    2. Try logging in. First time logins will present the authorization and consent screen.


  1. Go to the Github Developers Console
  2. Create a new OAuth App
  3. Set the Authorization callback URL to the full url of your site with "/oauth" at the end. For Example, https://portal.teamXXX.org/oauth/github
  4. Copy your Client ID and Client Secret and input on the Login Settings Page
  5. Click Save
  6. Test Login
    1. Update the local admin account with a real email address attached to a Amazon account OR use another user if able.
    2. Try logging in. First time logins will present the authorization and consent screen.


  1. Go to the Discord Developers Portal
  2. Create a new Application
  3. Add a name and click Create
  4. Copy your Client ID and Client Secret and input on the Login Settings Page
  5. Click OAuth2 and click Add Redirect
  6. Set the Redirect URL to the full url of your site with "/oauth" at the end. For Example, https://portal.teamXXX.org/oauth/discord
  7. Click Save
  8. Test Login 2. Try logging in. First time logins will present the authorization and consent screen.