OAuth Instructions - legoguy1000/FRC-Portal GitHub Wiki
- Create OAuth Credentials
- Go to the Google Cloud Console and create a new project
- Go to the Google Cloud Console Credentials page
- Click Create Credenitals
- Click OAuth Client ID
- Select Web Application
- Leave the name default or change it
- Set the Authorized JavaScript origins to be the full url of your site. It must be https. For Example, https://portal.teamXXX.org
- Set the Authorized redirect URIs to the full url of your site with "/oauth" at the end. For Example, https://portal.teamXXX.org/oauth/google
- Click create
- Copy your Client ID and Client Secret and input on the Login Settings Page
- Set up OAuth Consent Screen
- Set Application Type to public
- Set the Application Name
- Upload your team logo for the Application Logo
- Select your Support Email*
- Input your Application Homepage link, Application Privacy Policy link, Application Terms of Service link
- Google Plus API is deprecated and no longer needed
- Test Login
- Update the local admin account with a real email address attached to a google account OR use another user if able.
- Try logging in. First time logins will present the authorization and consent screen.
- Go to the Facebook Developers Console page
- Click Add a New App
- Name it anything and add a contact email
- Click Create App ID
- Go to Basic Settings (https://developers.facebook.com/apps/**APPID**/settings/basic/)
- Copy your App ID and App Secret and input on the Login Settings Page
- Fill in the listed input fields
- Display Name
- Contact Email
- Privacy Policy URL
- Terms of Service URL
- App Icon
- Business Use (should select Support my own Business)
- Site URL (At the bottom of the page)
- Click Save
- Add Facebook Login
- Click Products +
- Select Set Up Facebook Login
- Select WWW
- Input your Site URL
- Click Save and Continue
- Click Facebook Login Settings (https://developers.facebook.com/apps/APPID/fb-login/settings/)
- Make sure the following are enabled: Client OAuth Login, Web OAuth Login, Enforce HTTPS, Use Strict Mode for Redirect URIs
- Set the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs to the full url of your site with "/oauth" at the end. For Example, https://portal.teamXXX.org/oauth/facebook
- Test Login
- Update the local admin account with a real email address attached to a Facebook account OR use another user if able.
- Try logging in. First time logins will present the authorization and consent screen.
- Go to the Microsoft Developers Console
- Click Add an App
- Create a name and click continue. DO NOT select guided setup.
- Copy your Application ID and input on the Login Settings Page
- Click Generate New Password
- Copy your Application Password and input on the Login Settings Page
- Click Add Platform and select Web
- Set the Redirect URLs to the full url of your site with "/oauth" at the end. For Example, https://portal.teamXXX.org/oauth/microsoft
- Click Add nest to Delegated Permissions under Microsoft Graph Permissions
- Select email, openid, profile from list
- Input the following under Profile: Logo, Home page URL, Terms of Service URL, Privacy Statement URL
- Click Save
- Test Login
- Update the local admin account with a real email address attached to a Microsoft account OR use another user if able.
- Try logging in. First time logins will present the authorization and consent screen.
- Go to the Amazon Developers Console
- Create a security profile
- Go to Web Settings
- Copy your Client ID and Client Secret and input on the Login Settings Page
- Set the Allowed Origins to the full url of your site
- Set the Allowed Return URLs to the full url of your site with "/oauth" at the end. For Example, https://portal.teamXXX.org/oauth/amazon
- Click Save
- Test Login
- Update the local admin account with a real email address attached to a Amazon account OR use another user if able.
- Try logging in. First time logins will present the authorization and consent screen.
- Go to the Github Developers Console
- Create a new OAuth App
- Set the Authorization callback URL to the full url of your site with "/oauth" at the end. For Example, https://portal.teamXXX.org/oauth/github
- Copy your Client ID and Client Secret and input on the Login Settings Page
- Click Save
- Test Login
- Update the local admin account with a real email address attached to a Amazon account OR use another user if able.
- Try logging in. First time logins will present the authorization and consent screen.
- Go to the Discord Developers Portal
- Create a new Application
- Add a name and click Create
- Copy your Client ID and Client Secret and input on the Login Settings Page
- Click OAuth2 and click Add Redirect
- Set the Redirect URL to the full url of your site with "/oauth" at the end. For Example, https://portal.teamXXX.org/oauth/discord
- Click Save
- Test Login
2. Try logging in. First time logins will present the authorization and consent screen.