3. Configuration - legoguy1000/FRC-Portal GitHub Wiki
Team Settings
- Team Number: Your FRC Team number.
- Team Name: Your Team name.
- Team Location: Where your team is located.
- Team Domain: If your team owns its own domain, put it here. It can used to limit login and other email functions.
- Site URL: The full URL of the site. This will be used to for links within notifications.
- Team Logo URL: URL to a image of your teams logo. This will be used to display your logo on the top left corner of the site. You may also upload an image to the favicons folder and point to that url.
- Google Form URL: The URL to the Google Form used for team registration.
- Team Primary Color: Your team's primary color. This will be used as the main color throughout the site.
- Team Secondary Color: Your team's secondary color. This will be used as accent throughout the site.
Login Settings
- Require Team Email for Login: Require email for local login and OAuth logins to be in the teams domain.
- Enable Google Login: Allow Google OAuth to be used for login
- Google OAuth Client ID: Client ID generated from Google Cloud Console. Google OAuth Help
- Google OAuth Client Secret: Client Secret generated from Google Cloud Console. Google OAuth Help
- Enable Facebook Login:
- Facebook OAuth Client ID: App ID generated from Facebook Developer Console. Facebook OAuth Help
- Facebook OAuth Client Secret: App Secret generated from Facebook Developer Console. Facebook OAuth Help
- Enable Microsoft Login:
- Microsoft OAuth Client ID: Application ID generated from Microsoft Application Portal. Microsoft OAuth Help
- Microsoft OAuth Client Secret: App Password generated from Microsoft Application Portal. Microsoft OAuth Help
- Enable Amazon Login:
- Amazon OAuth Client ID: Application ID generated from Amazon Developer Portal. Amazon OAuth Help
- Amazon OAuth Client Secret: App Password generated from Amazon Developer Portal. Amazon OAuth Help
- Enable Github Login:
- Github OAuth Client ID: Client ID generated from Github Developer Console. Github OAuth Help
- Github OAuth Client Secret: Client Secret generated from Github Developer Console. Github OAuth Help
- Enable Discord Login:
- Discord OAuth Client ID: Client ID generated from Discord Developer Portal. Discord OAuth Help
- Discord OAuth Client Secret: Client Secret generated from Discord Developer Portal. Discord OAuth Help
* For each login option, click the toggle to show the credentials button.
Notification Settings
- Enable Slack Notifications: Enable Slack notifications.
- Slack Team URL: The URL for your slack work space.
- Slack Team ID: The Team ID for your slack work space. This is used for slack links (slack://...)
- Slack API Token: API token for Slack API.
- Enable Slack Notifications: Enable Email notifications.
- Site Email: The email address that the portal will us as its from address.
Scheduled Tasks Settings
Other Settings
- Timezone: Select your timezone for your team. The Application will default to the timezone of the hosting server set during installation.
- Google API Key: This is used for authorization when utilizing the Google Calendar API.
- Google Calendar ID: Add the calendar ID, usually in the form of an email address, used for the teams events. It does need to be a public calendar.
- Membership Form Name: This is the pattern of the name of the Google form responses. The portal, using the service account below and the Google Drive API, will fill in the variables and search Google Drive for the file name. The default is ###YEAR### Membership (Responses). The following variables are able to be used:
- ###YEAR###: Year of the current season (2018-2019 school year, 2019 is the ###YEAR###)
- ###YEAR-1###: The year previous (2018-2019 school year, 2018 is the ###YEAR-1###)
- Enable Google Sheets API
- Google Team Drive ID: (Optional) If your team uses Google Apps and stores your google forms and responses within a Google Team Drive, add the drive ID here. If the Google Service Account is a member of the drive, the account will be able to search the drive for each years google form responses.
- Google Service Account: This account will be used to search google drive and read the spreadsheets. This account will either need to have the folder/files shared with it AND/OR be a member of the Google team drive mentioned above.
- School Month End: Select the month school ends for your team. If the scheduled task is enabled, on the last day of this month, the portal will disable the account of any student set to graduate that year.
- Google Analytics ID: If you want to use Google Analytics to track statistics of the site, input the ID from Google Analytics for this account.