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support - Getting Information useful for requesting help.
A collection of methods useful when requesting help such as support or
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Fetch info from the system
support.fetchInfo([mysql][, os][, advices][, session])
- mysql: Bool. Fetch info from MySQL (enabled by default)
- os: Bool. Fetch info from Operating System (requires to have the Shell running locally)This is disabled by default
- advices: Bool. Print eventual advices. This is disabled by default.
- session: Object. The session to be used on the operation.
JS support.fetchInfo(true,true)
Report for imac - Sat 2020-08-01 00:11
Operating System: Linux (MySQL built on Linux)
Version: 5.7.10-201.fc32.x86_64
Architecture: x86_64
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz
CPU Core(s): 4
Total Memory: 23Gi
Memory Used: 18Gi
Memory Free: 496Mi
Filesystem Cache: 4.4Gi
Total Swap: 11Gi
Swap Used: 216Mi
Swap Free: 11Gi
Swappiness: 60
Datadir: /var/lib/mysql/
|-- Physical drive: /dev/mapper/fedora-root
|-- Size: 65G
|-- Used (69%): 45G
|-- Free: 21G
|-- Mount point: /
|-- Filesystem: xfs
|-- Mount attributes: rw,relatime,attr2,inode64,logbufs=8,logbsize=32k,noquota
innodb_data_home_dir: None
innodb_log_group_home_dir: ./
innodb_temp_tablespaces_dir: ./#innodb_temp/
innodb_tmpdir: None
tmpdir: /var/tmp
MySQL Version: MySQL Community Server - GPL (8.0.21) - x86_64
|-- Data: 4.79 GiB
|-- Indexes: 427.19 MiB
|-- Total Size: 5.20 GiB
Top 10 largest InnoDB Tables:
| Table Name | Rows | Data Size | Page Size | Space Type | Index Size | Total Size | Data Free | File Size | Wasted Size |
| imdb/movie_info | 8611299 | 1006.98 MiB | 16.00 KiB | Single | 188.73 MiB | 1.17 GiB | 0 bytes | 1.33 GiB | 164.28 MiB |
| big/testing | 18086645 | 1.05 GiB | 16.00 KiB | Single | 0 bytes | 1.05 GiB | 0 bytes | 1.07 GiB | 20.02 MiB |
| imdb/cast_info | 19974383 | 942.00 MiB | 16.00 KiB | Single | 0 bytes | 942.00 MiB | 0 bytes | 2.23 GiB | 1.31 GiB |
| big/testing2 | 8658846 | 492.00 MiB | 16.00 KiB | Single | 0 bytes | 492.00 MiB | 0 bytes | 516.00 MiB | 24.00 MiB |
| big/pktest | 705037 | 225.00 MiB | 16.00 KiB | Single | 230.78 MiB | 455.78 MiB | 5.00 MiB | 468.00 MiB | 12.22 MiB |
| imdb/person_info | 2226438 | 291.78 MiB | 16.00 KiB | Single | 0 bytes | 291.78 MiB | 0 bytes | 352.00 MiB | 60.22 MiB |
| imdb/name | 2748686 | 153.67 MiB | 16.00 KiB | Single | 0 bytes | 153.67 MiB | 0 bytes | 344.00 MiB | 190.33 MiB |
| imdb/char_name | 2217027 | 111.62 MiB | 16.00 KiB | Single | 0 bytes | 111.62 MiB | 0 bytes | 192.00 MiB | 80.38 MiB |
| imdb/movie_companies | 1877204 | 96.62 MiB | 16.00 KiB | Single | 0 bytes | 96.62 MiB | 0 bytes | 112.00 MiB | 15.38 MiB |
| employees/salaries | 2838426 | 95.62 MiB | 16.00 KiB | Single | 0 bytes | 95.62 MiB | 4.00 MiB | 104.00 MiB | 8.38 MiB |
Tables without PK:
| Table Name | Engine | Row |
| big/testing | InnoDB | 18086645 |
| big/testing2 | InnoDB | 8658846 |
| slack/some_table | InnoDB | 0 |
| test/default_test | InnoDB | 0 |
| test/edges | InnoDB | 40 |
| test/nodes | InnoDB | 20 |
| test/numerics | InnoDB | 2 |
| test/sampletest | InnoDB | 0 |
| test/t3 | InnoDB | 2 |
| test/t5 | InnoDB | 2 |
| test/t_least | InnoDB | 0 |
| test/users | InnoDB | 18 |
| test/w | InnoDB | 1 |
| test/zhang | InnoDB | 4 |
| tvshows/adeol | InnoDB | 12 |
| world/orders | InnoDB | 0 |
| world/sales | InnoDB | 0 |
This plugin has been written to show what can be possible.
I really encourage people to extend the plugin by writing modules in the sections