router - lefred/mysqlshell-plugins GitHub Wiki
This router module is different than other modules, it creates a router
object that has itself some extra methods.
router - MySQL Router Object
MySQL Router Object.
Create the MySQL Router Object
Create the MySQL Router REST API user in MySQL MetaData.
The router object uses MySQL Router's REST API to get the needed information.
For more information check the following post, the syntax is a bit different to create the router
Create the MySQL Router Object
JS router=router.create("[email protected]:8080")
Password: ****
"api": "20190715",
"connections": <Function:<lambda>>,
"status": <Function:<lambda>>
Create the MySQL Router REST API user in MySQL MetaData.
JS router.createRestUser()
You can now use 'clusteradmin' to authenticate to MySQL Router's REST API.
Use myrouter=router.create() to create an object to monitor.
session: Object. The optional session object used to query the database.
If omitted the MySQL Shell's current session will be used.
Prints information about the connections on different routes such the source and the destination
JS router.connections()
| Route | Source | Destination | From Server | To Server | Connection Started |
| myCluster_ro | | | | | |
| myCluster_rw | | mysql1:3306 | 3 kb | 812 bytes | 2020-08-01T09:46:13.013180Z |
| myCluster_x_ro | | | | | |
| myCluster_x_rw | | | | | |
Prints status information related to MySQL Router.
JS router.status()
| Cluster name: myCluster |
Refresh Succeeded: 164
Refresh Failed: 0
Last Refresh Hostname: mysql2:3306
| routes |
* myCluster_ro (alive) :
Total Connections: 0 Active Connections: 0 Blocked Hosts: 0
---> mysql2 : 3306
---> mysql3 : 3306
* myCluster_rw (alive) :
Total Connections: 1 Active Connections: 1 Blocked Hosts: 0
---> mysql1 : 3306
* myCluster_x_ro (alive) :
Total Connections: 0 Active Connections: 0 Blocked Hosts: 0
---> mysql2 : 33060
---> mysql3 : 33060
* myCluster_x_rw (alive) :
Total Connections: 0 Active Connections: 0 Blocked Hosts: 0
---> mysql1 : 33060