proxysql - lefred/mysqlshell-plugins GitHub Wiki
This ProxySQL module is different than other modules, it creates a proxysql
object that has itself some extra methods.
proxysql - ProxySQL Object
ProxySQL Object.
For more information check:
Create the ProxySQL Object
JS proxysql=proxysql.create('radmin@mysql1:6032')
Password: ****
Connected to ProxySQL (2.0.13-107-g91737e08)
"configure": <Function:<lambda>>,
"getUsers": <Function:<lambda>>,
"hostgroups": <Function:<lambda>>,
"hosts": <Function:<lambda>>,
"importUsers": <Function:<lambda>>,
"setUser": <Function:<lambda>>,
"setUserHostgroup": <Function:<lambda>>,
"status": <Function:<lambda>>,
"version": <Function:<lambda>>
This method needs to be called with a user that has privileges to create and drop routines in sys
. The user created by Shell when configuring an instance doesn't have such grants.
To add it please use something like GRANT CREATE ROUTINE, ALTER ROUTINE, DROP, CREATE, CREATE VIEW ON sys.* TO clusteradmin;
JS proxysql.configure()
ERROR: you need to be connected to a InnoDB Cluster
JS proxysql.configure()
There is already a monitor user
ProxySQL is configured to use MySQL InnoDB Cluster which mysql1 is part
Prints users in ProxySQL.
Note that users added manually with setUser
have their password in clear-text:
JS proxysql.getUsers()
| username | password | default_hostgroup |
| myapp2 | *2470C0C06DEE42FD1618BB99005ADCA2EC9D1E19 | 2 |
| myapp | fred | 3 |
Prints the hostsgroups configured in ProxySQL
JS proxysql.hostgroups()
ProxySQL Hostgroups:
Prints the hosts in ProxySQL
JS proxysql.hosts()
{'host': 'mysql1', 'port': '3306'}
{'host': 'mysql2', 'port': '3306'}
{'host': 'mysql3', 'port': '3306'}
Import users from MySQL to ProxySQL
- hostgroup: the hosgroup for the user
- search_pattern: user search pattern
JS proxysql.importUsers()
Importing users from MySQL requires <hostgroup> and <user search pattern> as mandatory parameters
JS proxysql.importUsers(2, 'myapp')
No user found! Only users using mysql_native_password can be loaded.
MySQL mysql1:33060+ 2020-08-01 10:53:24
JS proxysql.importUsers(2, 'myapp2')
myapp2 added or updated
The user myapp
exists on MySQL but uses a secure authentication plugin. Such user must be entered manually (see setUser
mysql> select User,plugin from mysql.user where user like 'myapp%';
| User | plugin |
| myapp | caching_sha2_password |
| myapp2 | mysql_native_password |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
No need to change the authentication plugin in MySQL, but the password cannot be automatically imported in ProxySQL.
Create a user in ProxySQL and assigned it to a hostgroup.
JS proxysql.setUser()
Adding a user requires <hostgroup> and <user> as mandatory parameters
MySQL mysql1:33060+ 2020-08-01 10:58:39
JS proxysql.setUser(2,'myapp')
Password: ****
Change the hostgroup for a user.
JS proxysql.setUserHostgroup(3,'myapp')
User [myapp] changed from hostgroup [2] to [3]
Prints a connection pool status for ProxySQL usage
JS proxysql.status()
ProxySQL Connection Pool Status
| HostGrpRole | HG | Host | Port | ConnUsed | ConnFree | ConnOK | ConnERR | MaxConnUsed | Queries | BytesSent | BytesRecv | Latency(us) |
| PRIMARY | 2 | mysql1 | 3306 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 14 | 23 | 151 |
| SECONDARY | 3 | mysql2 | 3306 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 880 |
| SECONDARY | 3 | mysql3 | 3306 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 764 |
| Command | Total_Time_us | Total_cnt |
| SELECT | 0 | 3 |
| SHOW | 361673 | 2 |
Prints the ProxySQL Version
JS proxysql.version()
Connected to ProxySQL (2.0.13-107-g91737e08)