innodb_cluster - lefred/mysqlshell-plugins GitHub Wiki


      innodb_cluster - MySQL InnoDB Cluster management and utilities.

      A collection of MySQL InnoDB Cluster management tools and utilities



Display the Errog Log lines for all members of a cluster.

innodb_cluster.showClusterErrorLog([limit][, type][, subsystem][, session])
  • limit: Integer. The amount of lines to display. 0 means no limit. Default: 10.
  • type: String. The type of error entries. Valid values are 'all', 'system', 'error', 'warning' and 'note'. Default is 'all'.
  • subsystem: String. Filter the entries to only get this specific subsystem. Default is 'all'.
  • session: Object. The optional session object used to query the database. If omitted the MySQL Shell's current session will be used.

MySQL Shell will connect to all instances and show in different colors the error log of each members.


Prints replication information speed information

innodb_cluster.showGroupReplicationSpeed([limit][, session])
  • limit: Integer. For how many seconds the output show be displayed, refreshed every second and default is 10
  • session: Object. The session to be used on the operation. This must be a session to a InnoB Cluster member
 JS  innodb_cluster.showGroupReplicationSpeed()
MySQL InnoDB Cluster : Group Replication Information
		SeqNo     SeqNo							
		Last      Last		        transport       time to		                Lag
Host		QueueTx   ApplyTx  repl delay	time            RelayLog	apply time	in sec
mysql2:3306	129       129       0.112253	0.003605	0.000033	0.108572	0
mysql3:3306	129       129       0.112923	0.000860	0.000124	0.080832	0
mysql2:3306	130       130       0.123481	0.024312	0.000034	0.099100	0
mysql3:3306	130       130       0.038978	0.000424	0.000015	0.038461	0
mysql2:3306	132       131       0.087574	0.000741	0.000030	0.069434	0
mysql3:3306	132       131       0.047315	0.000866	0.000018	0.029368	0
mysql2:3306	133       133       0.037340	0.001056	0.000021	0.036190	0
mysql3:3306	133       133       0.056571	0.001563	0.000022	0.054868	0
mysql2:3306	133       133       0.037340	0.001056	0.000021	0.036190	0
mysql3:3306	134       133       0.056571	0.004196	0.000027	0.054868	0
mysql2:3306	135       135       0.026032	0.000606	0.000011	0.025387	0
mysql3:3306	135       133       0.056571	0.000651	0.000012	0.054868	0
mysql2:3306	136       136       0.083402	0.027453	0.000016	0.055903	0
mysql3:3306	136       133       0.056571	0.000374	0.000013	0.054868	1
mysql2:3306	136       136       0.083402	0.027453	0.000016	0.055903	0
mysql3:3306	136       133       0.056571	0.000374	0.000013	0.054868	2
mysql2:3306	136       136       0.083402	0.027453	0.000016	0.055903	0
mysql3:3306	136       134       3.422385	0.000374	0.000013	3.418002	0
mysql2:3306	138       137       0.013612	0.001808	0.000011	0.011456	0
mysql3:3306	138       137       0.005582	0.000576	0.000012	0.003158	0


Display the Errog Log lines for all members of a cluster.

 innodb_cluster.tailClusterErrorLog([warp][,limit][, type][, subsystem][,
      refresh][, session])
  • wrap: Bool. Wrap lines and display them with indent.
  • limit: Integer. The amount of lines to display when starting the tail. 0 means no limit. Default: 10.
  • type: String. The type of error entries. Valid values are 'all', 'system', 'error', 'warning' and 'note'. Default is 'all'.
  • subsystem: String. Filter the entries to only get this specific subsystem. Default is 'all'.
  • refresh: Integer. amount of seconds to refresh the tail output. Default is 1.
  • session: Object. The optional session object used to query the database. If omitted the MySQL Shell's current session will be used.