check - lefred/mysqlshell-plugins GitHub Wiki


      check - Check management and utilities.

      A collection of Check management tools and utilities

You can find more information on the check plugin on



Prints a summary of the amount of DDL statements performed since server start

 JS  check.getAmountDDL()
| event_name                 | count_star | sum_errors |
| statement/sql/create_table |         13 |          0 |
| statement/sql/create_db    |          3 |          0 |
| statement/sql/drop_db      |          6 |          3 |
| statement/sql/create_view  |         22 |          1 |
| statement/sql/drop_view    |         22 |          1 |


Prints the list of binary logs available on the server

 JS  check.getBinlogs()
Binary log file(s) present:


Prints the IO statistics of binary logs files available on the server

 JS  check.getBinlogsIO()
| file                        | count_read | total_read | avg_read   | count_write | total_written | avg_write  | total      | write_pct |
| @@datadir/mysql1-bin.000001 |          3 | 5.77 KiB   | 1.92 KiB   |           0 |    0 bytes    |    0 bytes | 5.77 KiB   |      0.00 |
| @@datadir/mysql1-bin.000002 |          6 | 3.80 KiB   |  649 bytes |           1 |    1 bytes    |    1 bytes | 3.80 KiB   |      0.03 |
| @@datadir/mysql1-bin.000003 |         14 | 77.42 KiB  | 5.53 KiB   |         114 | 63.91 KiB     |  574 bytes | 141.33 KiB |     45.22 |
| @@datadir/mysql1-bin.index  |          4 |  240 bytes |   60 bytes |           0 |    0 bytes    |    0 bytes |  240 bytes |      0.00 |
  total_latency: 804.53 ms     count_read: 35 (91.71 KiB)     count_write: 116 (64.06 KiB) 


Prints all foreign keys with cascading constraints

 JS  check.getCascadingFK()
| foreign key          | references          | constraint name     | UPDATE_RULE | DELETE_RULE |
| dept_manager.emp_no  | employees.emp_no    | dept_manager_ibfk_1 | NO ACTION   | CASCADE     |
| dept_manager.dept_no | departments.dept_no | dept_manager_ibfk_2 | NO ACTION   | CASCADE     |
| dept_emp.emp_no      | employees.emp_no    | dept_emp_ibfk_1     | NO ACTION   | CASCADE     |
| dept_emp.dept_no     | departments.dept_no | dept_emp_ibfk_2     | NO ACTION   | CASCADE     |
| titles.emp_no        | employees.emp_no    | titles_ibfk_1       | NO ACTION   | CASCADE     |
| salaries.emp_no      | employees.emp_no    | salaries_ibfk_1     | NO ACTION   | CASCADE     |


Prints the queries performing full table scans

The method can take 4 parameters:

check.getFullTableScanQuery([limit][, select][, schema][,session])
  • limit: Integer. The amount of query to return. Default is 1.
  • select: Bool. Returns queries only with SELECT.
  • schema: String. The name of the schema to look at.
  • session: Object. The session to be used on the operation
 JS  check.getFullTableScanQuery()
*************************** 1. row ***************************
      schema_name: test
sum_rows_examined: 21
    avg_rows_call: 21.0000
          tot_lat: 98.20 ms
       exec_count: 1
 latency_per_call: 98.20 ms
       first_seen: 2020-07-31 11:51:16.423903
        last_seen: 2020-07-31 11:51:16.423903
query_sample_text: select * from users
Do you want to have EXPLAIN output? (y/N) y
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: users
   partitions: NULL
         type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL
          key: NULL
      key_len: NULL
          ref: NULL
         rows: 18
     filtered: 100
        Extra: NULL
Do you want to have EXPLAIN in JSON format output? (y/N) y
*************************** 1. row ***************************
  "query_block": {
    "select_id": 1,
    "cost_info": {
      "query_cost": "2.80"
    "table": {
      "table_name": "users",
      "access_type": "ALL",
      "rows_examined_per_scan": 18,
      "rows_produced_per_join": 18,
      "filtered": "100.00",
      "cost_info": {
        "read_cost": "1.00",
        "eval_cost": "1.80",
        "prefix_cost": "2.80",
        "data_read_per_join": "576"
      "used_columns": [
Do you want to have EXPLAIN in TREE format output? (y/N) y
*************************** 1. row ***************************
EXPLAIN: -> Table scan on users  (cost=2.80 rows=18)

Do you want to have EXPLAIN ANALYZE output? (y/N) y
*************************** 1. row ***************************
EXPLAIN: -> Table scan on users  (cost=2.80 rows=18) (actual time=0.041..0.067 rows=21 loops=1)


Prints all InnoDB tables not having a Primary Key or a non NULL unique key

 JS  check.getInnoDBTablesWithNoPK()
| test         | default_test | InnoDB |          0 | 16.00 KiB  |
| big          | testing      | InnoDB |   18086645 | 1.05 GiB   |
| big          | testing2     | InnoDB |    8658846 | 492.00 MiB |
| test         | nodes        | InnoDB |         20 | 16.00 KiB  |
| test         | edges        | InnoDB |         40 | 16.00 KiB  |
| test         | numerics     | InnoDB |          2 | 16.00 KiB  |
| test         | t3           | InnoDB |          2 | 16.00 KiB  |
| tvshows      | adeol        | InnoDB |         12 | 16.00 KiB  |
| world        | orders       | InnoDB |          0 | 16.00 KiB  |
| world        | sales        | InnoDB |          0 | 16.00 KiB  |
| test         | users        | InnoDB |         18 | 16.00 KiB  |
| test         | zhang        | InnoDB |          4 | 16.00 KiB  |
| test         | t5           | InnoDB |          2 | 16.00 KiB  |
| test         | t_least      | InnoDB |          0 | 16.00 KiB  |
| test         | sampletest   | InnoDB |          0 | 16.00 KiB  |


Prints all tables not using InnoDB Storage Engine

 JS  check.getNonInnoDBTables()
| forums       | Some_Table | MyISAM |          3 | 2.10 KiB |


Prints the statements affecting the most rows

check.getQueryMostRowAffected([limit][, schema][, session])
  • limit: Integer. The amount of query to return. Default is 1.
  • schema: String. The name of the schema to look at.
  • session: Object. The session to be used on the operation.
 JS  check.getQueryMostRowAffected()
*************************** 1. row ***************************
               db: test
    rows_affected: 11
rows_affected_avg: 11
query_sample_text: update t1 set a=concat(a," fred")


Prints the queries using temporary tables on disk

check.getQueryTempDisk([limit][, schema][, session])
  • limit: Integer. The amount of query to return. Default is 1.
  • schema: String. The name of the schema to look at.
  • session: Object. The session to be used on the operation.


Prints the statements updating mostly the same PK and therefore having to wait more (hotspot)

check.getQueryUpdatingSamePK([limit][, schema][, session])
  • limit: Integer. The amount of query to return. Default is 1.
  • schema: String. The name of the schema to look at.
  • session: Object. The session to be used on the operation.


Prints the statements in one running transaction identified by thread ID

check.getRunningStatements([limit][, session])
  • limit: Integer. The amount of running thread to return. Default is 10.
  • session: Object. The session to be used on the operation.
 JS  check.getRunningStatements()
| mysql_thread_id | User           | Command | trx_duration | latest_statement                                                  |
|              12 | root@localhost | Sleep   | 1.50 min     | rollback                                                          |
|              13 | root@localhost | Sleep   | 322.70 us    | select *, concat(b.b, ' ',a.b) ... b, ' ',a.b)) > 10 order by b.b |
|              11 | root@localhost | Query   | 226.09 us    | SELECT thr.processlist_id AS m ... IT DESC               LIMIT 10 |
For which thread_id do you want to see the statements ? (12) 
Info: amount of returned statements is limited by performance_schema_events_statements_history_size = 10
update t1 set a='test11' where id=11


Prints the slowest queries. If the limit is one you can also see all the details about the query

check.getSlowerQuery([limit][, select][, schema][, session])
  • limit: Integer. The amount of query to return. Default is 1.
  • select: Bool. Returns queries only with SELECT.
  • schema: String. The name of the schema to look at.
  • session: Object. The session to be used on the operation.
 JS  check.getSlowerQuery()
*************************** 1. row ***************************
      schema_name: test
          tot_lat: 28.13 s
       exec_count: 1
 latency_per_call: 28.13 s
       first_seen: 2020-07-31 11:59:18.119404
        last_seen: 2020-07-31 11:59:18.119404
query_sample_text: update t1 set b='fred' where id=11
Do you want to have EXPLAIN output? (y/N) y
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: UPDATE
        table: t1
   partitions: NULL
         type: range
possible_keys: PRIMARY
          key: PRIMARY
      key_len: 4
          ref: const
         rows: 1
     filtered: 100
        Extra: Using where
Do you want to have EXPLAIN in JSON format output? (y/N) y
*************************** 1. row ***************************
  "query_block": {
    "select_id": 1,
    "table": {
      "update": true,
      "table_name": "t1",
      "access_type": "range",
      "possible_keys": [
      "key": "PRIMARY",
      "used_key_parts": [
      "key_length": "4",
      "ref": [
      "rows_examined_per_scan": 1,
      "filtered": "100.00",
      "attached_condition": "(`test`.`t1`.`id` = 11)"


Prints amount ox transactions committed in a certain interval.

check.getTrxRate([interval][, limit][, session])
  • interval: Integer. The optional interval between outputs in seconds (default: 1).
  • limit: Integer. How many times this should be printed. 0 means infinite loop (default: 10).
  • session: Object. The optional session object used to query the database. If omitted the MySQL Shell's current session will be used.
 JS  check.getTrxRate()
Amount of transactions committed every 1 seconds:
trx/1sec: 0
trx/1sec: 2
trx/1sec: 4
trx/1sec: 4
trx/1sec: 3
trx/1sec: 2
trx/1sec: 0
trx/1sec: 0
trx/1sec: 0
trx/1sec: 0


Prints the transaction with the most amount of statements

check.getTrxWithMostRowsAffected([limit][, schema][,session])
  • limit: Integer. The amount of query to return. Default is 1.
  • schema: String. The name of the schema to look at.
  • session: Object. The session to be used on the operation.
 JS  check.getTrxWithMostRowsAffected()
Some consumers (events_statements_history_long, events_transactions_history_long) are not enabled, do you want to enabled them now ? (y/N) y
We just made some changes, let the system run for some time to fetch the workload

 JS  check.getTrxWithMostRowsAffected()
| thread_id | event_id | statement_count | rows_affected | # write statements |
|        52 |       68 |               3 |            22 |                  2 |
Do you want to list all statements in that transaction ? (y/N) y
1) update t1 set a=concat(a," fred");
2) update t1 set b=concat(b," fred");
3) commit;


Prints the transaction with the most amount of statements

check.getTrxWithMostStatements([limit][, schema][, session])
  • limit: Integer. The amount of query to return. Default is 1.
  • schema: String. The name of the schema to look at.
  • session: Object. The session to be used on the operation.
 JS  check.getTrxWithMostStatements()
| thread_id | event_id | statement_count | rows_affected | # write statements |
|        51 |       61 |               6 |             1 |                  1 |
Do you want to list all statements in that transaction ? (y/N) y
1) select * from t1;
2) select *, concat(b.b, ' ',a.b) from t1 a join  t1 b on where b.b like 'runn%' order by b.b;
3) update t1 set a='test11' where id=11;
4) select * from t1;
5) select count(*) from t1;
6) commit;


Prints Transactions Size from a binlog

check.showTrxSize([binlog][, session])
  • binlog: String. The binlog file to extract transactions from.
  • session: Object. The session to be used on the operation
 JS  check.showTrxSize()
Transactions in binary log binlog.000120:
695 bytes
1 kb
259 bytes
 JS  check.showTrxSize('binlog.000117')
Transactions in binary log binlog.000117:
325 bytes


Prints Transactions Size from a binlog

check.showTrxSizeSort([limit][, binlog][, session])
  • limit: Integer. The maximum transactions to show, default is 10
  • binlog: String. The binlog file to extract transactions from.
  • session: Object. The session to be used on the operation.
 JS  check.showTrxSizeSort()
Transactions in binary log binlog.000120 orderer by size (limit 10):
1 kb
695 bytes
259 bytes


Prints the workload ratio between reads and writes.

  • session: Object. The optional session object used to query the database. If omitted the MySQL Shell's current session will be used.
 JS  check.workload()
MySQL Workload of the server: 95.83% reads and 4.17% writes


Prints the workload ratio between reads and writes with some information per schema and tables.

check.workloadInfo([schema][, table][, session])
  • schema: String. The name of the schema to check (default: None). If none is specified, all schemas are listed.
  • table: String. The name of a specific table present in the schema defined (default: None). If none is specified, only the schema is listed. You can use '*' to show them all.
  • session: Object. The optional session object used to query the database. If omitted the MySQL Shell's current session will be used
MySQL Workload of the server: 95.83% reads and 4.17% writes
| object_schema | reads  | writes | ratio to total reads | ratio to total writes |
| test          | 95.83% | 4.17%  | 100.00%              | 100.00%               |