Edit report - leerbedrijflisa/breakpoint-api GitHub Wiki

PATCH /reports/guid


Data fields

Field Description
action Replace for changing the field with the new value
field The property to patch
value The value to set or add to the property

Patchable fields

Fields Description DataType Allowed Values
assignee The 'userName' or 'group' the bug has been assigned to. Object text
description A detailed explanation of the problem. String text
solvedCommit The name of the commit the bug report was solved in. String text
status The status of the report that the bug report is currently in. String open, fixed, closed, won't fix and won't fix (approved)
comment The comment that is attached to a bug report String text


Content-Type: application/json

    "action": "replace",
    "field": "status",
    "assignee": {
      "userName": "User"



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "a71a2683-4fd3-499a-b9de-09771f53af5f",
  "title": "The app crashes when you don't do anything.",
  "description": "If i don't do anything the app crashes...",
  "project": "Idle App",
  "assignee": {
    "userName": "User"
  "status": "closed",
  "reported": "2016-03-22T09:25:36.7036303Z"