Home - leeboardtools/bythelee GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the bythelee wiki!
NOTE: This is very out of date! This wiki contains the development documentation for the bythelee project.
bythelee is a Javascript client side sailing simulation engine. The engine itself relies upon the three.js 3D library, primarily for the geometry and Object3D classes.
bythelee also includes the following UI implementations, run from the HTML file public_html/index.html:
- An overhead 2D boat simulation. This utilizes Phaser CE as the game engine.
Both three.js and Phaser CE are included directly in this repositories via the following:
- public_html/js/three.js (development only)
- public_html/js/three.min.js (minimized version)
- public_html/js/phaser.js (development only)
- public_html/js/phaser.min/js (minimized version)
Unit Testing
bythelee's unit tests are based on QUnit. The HTML file public_html/unit-tests.html runs the unit tests.