Multiple Adapters Use case : Mysql , Mongodb & Multiple Mongodb in one project - leebalaji1234/bgjob GitHub Wiki
Multiple databases in active record bases and mongo odm bases
Reference :
Code 1
A typical Active record class
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base ... end
A new database connection
class NewConnection < ActiveRecord::Base self.abstract_class = true establish_connection "users_database" end
A new Active record class using the new connection
class User < NewConnection ... end
Mixing ORMS is easy. for example mongodb (with mongoid), simply dont inherit from active record and include the following in the model you want to use mongo:
class Vehicle include Mongoid::Document
field :type field :name
has_many :drivers belongs_to :account
Using Active Record generators after Mongoid installation?
m using MongoDB via Mongoid integration, as well as ActiveRecord in a project. I would like to generate migrations for active record, and Mongoid is the default when I run.
rails g migration
Any ideas how to specify AR as my default generator for migrations, models, etc?
rails g active_record:migration example :
balaji:~/voicepoc/bgjob$ rails g active_record:migration scaffold OptinService phone:string status:integer create db/migrate/20150422100925_scaffold.rb
Connecting two databases mongoid
hmm well can you do this seem like you messed your yaml file
development: sessions: default: database: db_development username: my_username password: my_password hosts: - myserverip:27017 options: consistency: :eventual writeable: database: db2_development username: myusername2 password mypassword2 hosts: - myserverip2:27018 options: consistency: strong
In your model just write this
store_in session: "writeable"
class MyModel include Mongoid::Document store_in session: "writeable" field :name, type: String field :age, type: Integer end
FYI Never tested with password options but i guess it would work
Hope this help