Customized sidekiq setup & config - leebalaji1234/bgjob GitHub Wiki

Sidekiq Startup Commands

bundle exec sidekiq

bundle exec sidekiq ... -L log/sidekiq.log

Sidekiq Config with Project

gem 'sidekiq' in Gemfile

touch config/sidekiq.yml 

touch tmp/pids/

To create sidekiq configuration

sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml

Sidekiq configurations in config/sidekiq.yml

:verbose: true
:pidfile: tmp/pids/
:concurrency: 25
# :timeout: 30
  - authentication
  - requestreceiver

Limit Sidekiq Threads based on queue

Reference :

gem 'sidekiq-limit_fetch'

inside sidekiq.yml:

:limits: queue_name1: 5 queue_name2: 10

or set it dynamically in your code:

Sidekiq::Queue['queue_name1'].limit = 5 Sidekiq::Queue['queue_name2'].limit = 10

Tasks for the queue_name1 will be run by at most 5 workers at the same time

To check how many workers are running a queue use a "#busy" method described below

rails g scaffold AuthenticatesTemp params:text status:integer,limit:1 guid:text

rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development

rails g migration AddGuidToRequestReceiverTemps guid:text

If error raise "actioncontroller::unknownformat json" = >

put line on top of controller "respond_to :html, :json"

gem 'responders', '~> 2.0'