Additional commands during feature development - lecturio/workflows GitHub Wiki

Those commands are not part from the workflow script. You need to use them when you need to update branches with new changes.

Update remote branches

Update master branch

git pull --rebase origin master

Update staging branch

git pull --rebase origin staging

Update feature branch

git pull --rebase origin XXX-FEATURE

Feature branch update

Update feature branch with master

Before update feature branch with master you need to update latest changes from remote feature branch to your local feature branch.

git pull --rebase origin XXX-FEATURE

After this you can rebase master to your feature branch:

git checkout XXX-FEATURE
git pull --rebase origin master

Resolved conflicts - use git rebase --continue, git add/ git rm or git rebase --abort to start over.

You need to resolved conflicts (if any) and push to remote branch.

Push to remote feature branch

If you have diverged message info on git status you can't pull from remote feature branch.

Using following commands is Forbidden after rebase to master.

git merge origin/XXX-FEATURE #FORBIDDEN
git pull origin XXX-FEATURE #FORBIDDEN

Instead push your changes with force option to feature branch.

git push origin XXX-FEATURE -f

During this time other people shouldn't not push to remote feature branch.

Remote feature branch is locked

Update feature branch with master detail flow

Pull rebase from feature branch to your local branch
Push (if any) local changes to remote
Feature branch is locked for other team members
Rebase to master
Resolved conflicts
Push to remote feature branch with force option
Feature branch is unlocked for other team members

Do not use

Do not use git merge. Workflow can't work with that command. Problems will occur on multiple sync to staging branch after rebase feature branch to master.

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