Project Scope - leahhanna/library-adventure GitHub Wiki

Programming Interns - Kirk Library Project Spring 2015

Department: Kirk Library Focus Area: Library Performance Statistics Product/Process: Usage, Instruction, and Library Support Services

Table of Contents

Kirk Library and Project Contact Information Project Scope Suggested Workplan

Kirk Library and Project Contact Information

Staff Outline:

Primary point of contact for this project: Leah Hannaford [email protected] 360-736-9391 x423

Project Repository:

Login Information: Zoho

Username: centcollege Password: kodesh55

II. Project Scope

Background: We currently collect basic user statistics and data over our library instruction.

Instruction data is currently housed using ZOHO. Large amounts of data exist in the form of handwritten pages and in 3-ring binders.

Project Scope: Develop a web-based statistics platform that allows for better analysis of library instruction and library usage.

We do have Microsoft tablets available and ideally I’d like to gather library usage statistics with the tablet so that data is only entered once (instead of the handwritten forms and then entering the data separately).

Essential Items: Web-based. Streamlined data input categories with consistent schema. Have capacity to export data for further analysis and visualization or have the ability to manipulate data on the platform.

There are four basic components that will need to be addressed:

Data Entry Interface Data Storage Report Generation Capability Making it Pretty

III. Suggested Workplan

Review current data gathering tools and systems in Kirk Library and research current web-based platforms for gathering library statistics in higher education.

This research will ensure that you have an understanding of: Common vocabulary used in library data gathering View dashboard options

  1. Interview faculty librarians for input as far as what they’d like to see in our dashboard/data gathering tool: Dale Carroll Julie Nurse

  2. Present findings of research and interviews to Leah Hannaford in order to discuss way forward.

  3. Design prototype and present prototype to Leah Hannaford.

Interface Data Storage Report Generation Capability Making it Pretty

  1. Upon approval of prototype begin programming.

Interface Data Storage Report Generation Capability Making it Pretty