Iteration_2 AskForTravel - leaak/cheseDrive GitHub Wiki
Iteration_2 Ask For Travel
Iteration Goal
In this Iteration we work on the part of "ask for travel" when the user want to join to travel somewhere, he enter to ask for travel screen, fill some fields and the system gives him all the travel that match to his request.
The XML DataBase:
First of all the user have to login to the system , the login screen will be on other Iteration
When someone want to ask for a travel he has to fill some fields:
- what is the starting station
- what is the ending station (google maps displays the route)
- The leaving time.
- click on button "ask a travel"
The posts of relevant travels are displayed
- Rivki R
- Lea A
- Sara K
- Chava Y
- Efrat W
Scrum Master:
Sara K
Product Owner:
Efrat W
On this iteration we write the part of ask a travel using: model, view and controller layers create the xml DB, write queries to insert data into the DB, write client side in javascript language - treat in button evevnts, when someone ask travel, he gets all the travels that pass through his location, this is done with google drive.
Acomplished points:
- Ask Travles Table - DB: 5 points
- Ask travel view layer: 10 points
- Ask travel controller layer: 15 points
- Ask travel model layer: 5 points
we tested the senarios that there are suggestions and we ask for travel that exists - the suggestion responsed from the request. we also tested that if there is no suggest that match to the asking, the system displys: "there is no match"
Next iteration: