Iteration_1 travelSuggestion - leaak/cheseDrive GitHub Wiki

Iteration_1 travelSuggestion

Iteration Goal:

In this Iteration we work on the part of "travel suggestion" in this screen the user can suggest a travel, we work on the GUI, the DB, server side and client side.

The XML DataBase:

First of all the user have to login to the system , the login screen will be on other Iteration

when someone want to suggest a travel he have to fill some fields:

  • what is the starting station
  • what is the ending station (google maps displays the route)
  • The leaving time.
  • click on button "add a travel"

the travel is added to travels list and it is displayed for all the users


  • Rivki R
  • Lea A
  • Sara K
  • Chava Y
  • Efrat W

Scrum Master:

Lea A

Product Owner:

Rivki R


Huboard befor Iteration:

Huboard after Iteration:


On this iteration we write the part of suggest a travel using: model, view and controller layers create the xml DB, write queries to insert data into the DB, write client side in javascript language - treat in button evevnts, we used google maps that signs the route of the travel.

Acomplished points:

  • suggest travel table - DB: 5 points
  • suggest travel view layer: 10 points
  • suggest travel controller layer: 15 points
  • suggest travel model layer: 5 points


we made tests that we entered suggestions of travels and saw that the suggestions came into the DB.

Next iteration: in the next iteration we will work on "ask for travel" screen

Iteration_2 - Ask for travel