Development Dartmap - lduening/jldmud GitHub Wiki

Development Dartmap

A dartmap is just like a roadmap, except that you don't actually plan your journey, instead it throw darts at it until you looks like something you can live with.

Version 1.0

This version will have the mudlib implemented as native Java objects, with not much thought about abstracting the 'mud' datastructures out. The mudlib in question will be the original 2.4.5 minimal mud lib.

The reasoning is that this allows me to concentrate on the basic infrastructure - packaging, logging, backend loop, timed events, network interface.

Ideally, version 1.0 could be used for hard-coded muds packaged in a separate jar.

Version 2.0

This version would see the conversion of the Java-native mud lib into an implementation which fully uses 'mud' data structures, complete with the implementation of the 'efun' and 'master' object concepts. This version would still use the Java compiler for the code, but it would be encapsulated into the compiler section of the driver.

Version 3.0

Version 3 would implement the LPC compiler. Ideally, version 3.5 would be the one achieving feature parity with the official LDMud driver, and 3.5 just happens to be LDMud's current version as well. Coincidence, I assure you!