RouterPath - lddefensor/SimpleAI GitHub Wiki
Namespace and Path
- namespace: Ulap\Helpers
- path: LIB . DS . 'Helpers' . DS . 'RoutePath.php'
The RouterPath Class is a helper class that transforms delimited string (assuming to be the path that follows after Application's URL) into the following:
- Controller Name
- Method name
- Array of Parameters for Method
- Url Params (_GET) (the name=value pair after ? in a url)
accepts a string. Parses the string using php's native function parse_url and assigns this as the class's queryString property. The queryString expects two associative keys from this, namely path and query. Path is the string before ? and query is the list of name=value pairs that follows after ? and is separated by &.
if path is set on queryString, the property actions is assigned as the list of strings separated by / in the value of path, else this is default to an empty array.
- returns the name of the first string in queryString path property, or the first value of actions property. If not set, returns the value defined by constant DEFAULT_ACTION
- returns the name of the second string in queryString path property, or the second value of actions. If not set, returns the value defined by constant DEFAULT_METHOD
- returns the rest of the string in in queryString path property, after method, or the rest of the values in the actions array. Defaults to an empty array.