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Luxembourg SUMO Traffic (LuST) Scenario
Contacts: Lara CODECA [[email protected]], VehicularLab [[email protected]]
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
Lara CODECA, Raphael FRANK, Thomas ENGEL. December 2015. Luxembourg SUMO Traffic (LuST) Scenario: 24 Hours of Mobility for Vehicular Networking Research in Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC15).
How To:
LuST Scenario can be lunched directly with four configuration files.
- Mobility: shortest path with rerouting.
sumo -c LuSTScenario.dua.complete.mobility.static.sumocfg
with static traffic lights.sumo -c LuSTScenario.dua.complete.mobility.actuated.sumocfg
with actuated traffic lights.
- Mobility: Dynamic user equilibrium.
sumo -c LuSTScenario.due.complete.mobility.static.sumocfg
with static traffic lights.sumo -c LuSTScenario.due.complete.mobility.actuated.sumocfg
with actuated traffic lights.
A special thanks to Matěj Kubička [[email protected]] for his contribution to the network topology.
The community needs a scenario with the following requirements:
- It has to be able to support different kinds of traffic demand such as congested or free-flow patterns.
- It should support different scenario dimensions.
- It has to include different road categories (e.g. residential, arterial and highway).
- It should allow multi-modal evaluations.
- Is should describe a realistic traffic scenario over one day (i.e. avoid gridlocks and teleportations).
Use Cases
..everything that you can relate with vehicular mobility.
- Evaluation of different multi-modal strategies for commuters
- Testing protocols and applications on different scales
- On-board routing system to provide scenarios with different levels of congestion to test different re-routing algorithms.
- Test optimisation algorithms for
- main arterial road (e.g. green waves)
- emergency protocols (e.g. allow emergency vehicles to be prioritised)