Module: reposerver - lbr38/linupdate GitHub Wiki
The linupdate reposerver
module provides a connection between linupdate and a Repomanager server.
The Manage hosts
and Manage profiles
parameters must be enabled in Repomanager.
A host executing linupdate
can send its system and packages informations to the Repomanager server, especially:
- General informations (hostname, IP, kernel, OS...)
- Available packages for update
- Installed packages
- Packages events history (installation, updates, uninstallation...)
If enabled, an agent on the host can regulary send those informations to the reposerver.
The MANAGE HOSTS tab regroups all hosts that have sent their informations:
The MANAGE PROFILES tab provides a way to create configuration profiles for hosts executing linupdate
- A profile can define packages to exclude from updates, services to restart after an update, and repositories the hosts will have access to. It's a convenient way to manage multiple hosts with the same configuration and limit the risks on critical packages updates.
- Every time
is executed on the host, it gets its profile configuration (including repositories and package exclusions) from its reposerver.
Those are all the available parameters for the reposerver
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --help
Available options:
Name Description
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--help, -h Show reposerver module help
Configuring reposerver
--url [URL] Specify target reposerver URL
--api-key [APIKEY] Specify API key to authenticate to the reposerver
--ip [IP] Specify an alternative local IP address to use to authenticate to the reposerver (default: will use the public IP address)
--register Register this host to the reposerver (--api-key required)
--unregister Unregister this host from the reposerver
Configuring retrieval from reposerver (using configured profile)
--get-packages-conf-from-reposerver [true|false] If enabled, packages exclusions will be retrieved from the reposerver
--get-repos-from-reposerver [true|false] If enabled, repositories configuration will be retrieved from the reposerver
--remove-existing-repos [true|false] If enabled, existing repositories will be removed before adding the new ones
Retrieving data from reposerver
--get-profile-packages-conf Get profile packages configuration from reposerver
--get-profile-repos Get profile repositories from reposerver
Sending data to reposerver
--send-general-info Send host's general informations (OS, version, kernel..) to the reposerver
--send-packages-info Send this host's packages informations to the reposerver (available package updates, installed packages)
--send-all-info Send all of the previous informations to the reposerver
--agent-enable [true|false] Enable reposerver module agent. This agent will regularly send informations about this host to reposerver (global informations, packages informations...)
--agent-listen-enable [true|false] Enable or disable agent listening for requests coming from the reposerver
Usage: linupdate --mod-configure reposerver [OPTIONS]
Follow the steps below to configure the reposerver module and register a host to Repomanager.
You can also check the Quick setup example at the end of this page.
linupdate --mod-enable reposerver
Linupdate 2.x
Configure target reposerver URL and fail-level.
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --url https://REPOMANAGER_URL --fail-level 3
defines the module criticality (between 1 and 3):1: linupdate stops no matter the module error (disabled module, the target reposerver does not handle the same package type, minor or critical error...)
2: linupdate stops on module critical error (continues on minor error)
3: linupdate continues even in case of module critical error
Linupdate 3.x
Configure target reposerver URL
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --url https://REPOMANAGER_URL
module must be enabled. See Enable reposerver module - Target reposerver URL must be configured. See Configure target reposerver URL
You can then register the host to the reposerver and retrieve an authentication id + token (you'll need an API key from a Repomanager user):
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --api-key <API-KEY> --register
From here, the host should become visible in the MANAGE HOSTS tab on Repomanager. You can now send host's informations to the reposerver:
Linupdate 2.x
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --send-general-status # send general informations
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --send-packages-status # send packages informations (available updates, installed...)
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --send-full-history # send packages history
Linupdate 3.x
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --send-general-info # send general informations
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --send-packages-info # send packages informations
You can enable reposerver agent to regulary send those informations. See Enable reposerver agent
Linupdate 2.x
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --send-general-status
Linupdate 3.x
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --send-general-info
It will send all packages informations and history (installed, updated, uninstalled...)
Linupdate 2.x
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --send-packages-status
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --send-full-history
Linupdate 3.x
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --send-packages-info
Same as Send general informations to the reposerver and Send packages informations to the reposerver
Linupdate 2.x
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --send-full-status
Linupdate 3.x
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --send-all-info
When enabled, linupdate will get its packages configuration (packages exclusions) from the reposerver.
Linupdate 2.x
Possible values: yes
/ no
(default: yes
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --get-packages-conf-from-reposerver yes
Linupdate 3.x
Possible values: true
/ false
(default: true
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --get-packages-conf-from-reposerver true
When enabled, linupdate will get its repos configuration from the reposerver.
Linupdate 2.x
Possible values: yes
/ no
(default: yes
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --get-repos-from-reposerver yes
Linupdate 3.x
Possible values: true
/ false
(default: true
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --get-repos-from-reposerver true
When enabled, the reposerver agent will regulary send informations to Repomanager, including:
- Host's general informations (OS, version, kernel..)
- Host's packages informations (installed, available...) and history (installation, update, uninstallation...)
Make sure that linupdate service is running :
systemctl status linupdate
Linupdate 2.x
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --enable-agent
Linupdate 3.x
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --agent-enable true
Repomanager can request the host to execute specific actions, including:
- Requesting the host to update its packages.
- Requesting the host to send its general informations.
- Requesting the host to send its packages informations.
Linupdate 3.x
Possible values: true
/ false
(default: true
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --agent-listen-enable true
Here is a quick setup example to register a host to a reposerver, retrieve its configuration and send its informations.
Linupdate 2.x
# First set linupdate profile and environment to match a Repomanager profile and environment
linupdate --profile app-server
linupdate --env prod
# Enable reposerver module
linupdate --mod-enable reposerver
# Configure target reposerver URL
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --url https://reposerver.localhost --fail-level 3
# Register the host to the reposerver (the host should be visible in Repomanager after that)
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --api-key ak_xxxxxx --register
# Send all informations to the reposerver
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --send-full-status
# Enable reposerver agent and restart linupdate service to apply changes
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --enable-agent
systemctl restart linupdate
# Make sure to retrieve packages configuration and repositories from the reposerver
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --get-packages-conf-from-reposerver yes
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --get-repos-from-reposerver yes
# Perform packages update
Linupdate 3.x
# First set linupdate profile and environment to match a Repomanager profile and environment
linupdate --profile app-server
linupdate --env prod
# Enable reposerver module
linupdate --mod-enable reposerver
# Configure target reposerver URL
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --url https://reposerver.localhost
# Register the host to the reposerver (the host should be visible in Repomanager after that)
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --api-key ak_xxxxxx --register
# Send all informations to the reposerver
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --send-all-info
# Enable reposerver agent
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --agent-enable true
# Make sure to retrieve packages configuration and repositories from the reposerver (default: true)
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --get-packages-conf-from-reposerver true
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --get-repos-from-reposerver true
# But make sure to keep existing repositories when retrieving those from the reposerver (default: true)
linupdate --mod-configure reposerver --remove-existing-repos false
# Perform packages update