Dynatrace - lballesterosm/turbo_notes GitHub Wiki

To add Dynatrace as target

Adding Dynatrace as target makes possible to obtain recommendations from the application level and its performance.


To add Dynatrace as target, you need to complete the following requisites:

  • Administrator credentials on the Dynatrace.
  • Dynatrace capturing information on the same infrastructure as Turbonomic.
  • SaaS or On-premises Dynatrace.
  • Administrator access over Turbonomic platform.
  • Communication through 80, 443 TCP port from Turbonomic server to Dynatrace.
  • Enable API access on Dynatrace

Dynatrace API access configuration:

  1. Login to the Dynatrace portal
  2. in the left side click on Manage and then on Access Tokens


  1. In the access tokens page, click on the Generate new token button (at the right side).


  1. In the name box type turbonomic

  2. In the search box type Read metrics and then mark it. image

  3. In the search box type Access problem and event feed, metrics, and topology and then mark it. image

  4. click on the Generate token button

Turbonomic Dynatrace target configuration

To add Dynatrace as target on Turbonomic portal:

  1. Login to the Turbonomic portal, using admin credentials.
  2. In the left side, click on Settings

  1. In the Turbonomic Settings Windows, clic on Target Configuration

  1. At top-right, click on New Target button
  2. In the Choose Target Category, click on Public Cloud

  1. In the Choose Target Type windows, click on Applications and Database


  1. Enter the dns name or ip address of dynatrace and the api token value.


  1. Wait until the validation process ends (green bar in the left) or check for errors (clicking in the arrow at the right). In case you need to edit/change this target, you can click on the name of the target and you will see the target configuration again.


If the validation process fail, you can see this link: Troubleshooting