4. Troubleshooting - lballesterosm/turbo_notes GitHub Wiki

This section is a working progress and will be continuously updated with the issues that I experienced. In case you need more details, I strongly recommend check all the requirements in the official documentation.

Target Configuration

In the target validation process you can have different issues, in this list you'll see some of theses issues.

Connectivity Validation Error

A common issue is the communication between the Turbonomic server to the target in case you have firewall between them. To validate if the ports are open, you can use nc (as telnet is not enabled in the Turbonomic OVA) from the Turbonomic server to the target ip address or fqdn. Use nc -vz "target ip address" "port", if the communication is enabled, you will have a "connected" message, if not, you can see time outs or other similar messages.

To test the connectivity:

  1. Login in the Turbonomic server using command console (you can use turbo account as root privileges are not required)
  2. Type nc -vz "target ip address" "port" and hit enter. You can see the required port in the "requirements" section of each target in this site or in the official documentation: Port Configuration

This is a sample of success connection:

This is a sample of failed connection:

Kubernetes target validation warning: Probe version is not current, please upgrade to version...

This warning may indicate that you are using an old version of the kubeturbo image, because you didn't change the YAML files or because you upgraded your Turbonomic server.

To upgrade the probe:

  1. Download the kubeturbo deployment file:

wget https://github.com/turbonomic/kubeturbo/blob/master/deploy/kubeturbo_yamls/step5_turbo_kubeturboDeploy.yaml

  1. Modify the line with the image version, according to the version of your Turbonomic server. In this case 8.5.4.


  1. Save the yaml file, and apply the changes:

kubectl -n turbo apply -f step5_turbo_kubeturboDeploy.yaml

  1. Verify that your target is in green state.


Turbonomic Installation

You cannot login to the turbonomic command console using turbo user credentials.

This note apply only for installation using OVA. The default credentials for turbo user is vmturbo. The first time, the system prompts for password change. Be careful because the keyboard is set by default in English language, so it's a very common issue type a password "thinking in spanish or Portuguese language and writing in English". To avoid this issue, ensure you are using the right characters.

Zookeeper and Kafka pods keep in Crashloopback error when installing Turbonomic on Kubernetes.

Be sure you are using a block storage default storage class or specify a block storage SC in the yaml file. In this example, i'll be using Kubernetes on IBM Cloud (IKS).

To know what is the default storage class in your kubernetes cluster:

kubectl get sc

you can see an image like this

to change the default file storage class to a block storage class:

kubectl patch storageclass ibmc-file-gold -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"false"}}}'

kubectl patch storageclass ibmc-block-gold -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"true"}}}'


If you don't want to change the default SC on the cluster, you can set it in the spec section on the charts_v1alpha1_xl_cr.yaml file.

Restart all turbonomic pods using:

kubectl delete -f charts_v1alpha1_xl_cr.yaml -n turbonomic

kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/turbonomic/t8c-install/master/operator/config/crd/bases/charts.helm.k8s.io_xls.yaml

kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/turbonomic/t8c-install/master/operator/deploy/operator.yaml -n turbonomic

Verify that all the pods are deleted

kubectl get pods -n turbonomic

re-deploy using

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/turbonomic/t8c-install/master/operator/config/crd/bases/charts.helm.k8s.io_xls.yaml

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/turbonomic/t8c-install/master/operator/deploy/operator.yaml -n turbonomic

kubectl apply -f charts_v1alpha1_xl_cr.yaml -n turbonomic

Verify that all the pods are running

kubectl get pods -n turbonomic -w