Walkthrough To Game - layonthehorn/Adventure-Game GitHub Wiki

Walkthrough To Chapter One

Note: This will not cover any of the small things that are just for fun. This is only for how to beat the game as quickly as possible.

Getting out of the bunker

  1. You need to go to the side room and turn on the light switch. Then get the wrench from the room.
  2. Back in the bunker, you need to use the wrench on the robot.
  3. Now you can get the fuse and use it on the fuse box.
  4. Now operate the door and you can leave the bunker.

Getting upstairs

  1. Look at the car to find the battery and pick it up.
  2. Go to the west wing and then to the toy shop.
  3. use battery on crane then operate the crane.
  4. get keys and return to the plaza.
  5. use keys on the gate.

Getting fur sample

  1. Get meat from small den go upstairs.
  2. Get drugs from bathroom and combine with meat.
  3. Go to animal den and drop drugged meat.
  4. Leave room and go somewhere else.
  5. Return to room after message tells you to.
  6. Look at animal and then get fur sample.

Getting to basement

  1. Go to west wing and use fur sample on kiosk.
  2. Go into cemetery and get rope.
  3. Go into pet shop and use rope on machine.
  4. Get the brush from shop.
  5. Go to shoe store and open elevator.
  6. Use long rope on elevator.

Accessing Generator Room

  1. Either use a soda from the west wing or the password from the bathroom on the door.
  2. Go into generator room and look at spec sheet. You need four fuses.

Powering Generator Up

Getting Gold Fuse

  1. Get shovel from basement entry room.
  2. Go to cemetery and use shovel on grave to get a fuse.

Getting Green Fuse

  1. Go to the side room in the bunker and use brush on self.
  2. Operate the safe to get another fuse.

Getting Red Fuse

  1. Get a soldering iron from generator room, soldering wire from the toy shop and a capacitor from the fridge in the pet shop.
  2. Use these items on the workbench in the small animal den.
  3. Operate the workbench to get a circuit board.
  4. Use circuit board on locker in toy shop to get fuse.

Getting Blue Fuse

  1. Go to shoe store and get screw driver.
  2. Go to main plaza and use screw driver on desk.
  3. Get coin and use it on pay phone in same room.
  4. get blue fuse from phone.

Using Fuses

  1. Go to basement generator room and use all four fuses on the generator.
  2. Operate generator to start it.

Getting Out

  1. go to main plaza and exit to win.

Walkthrough To Chapter Two


  1. WIP