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Vern The Lion's Adventure Game


This is an adventure game built with python. It will be slowly expanded to allow many types of puzzles and challenges for the player. Right now it is only partially built and only the first two rooms are fully done. Please let me know about any errors you find within it.


  • Thanks to my friend DisposedTalent for the room descriptions and help with ideas.

Thank you!


You are a young lion named Vern. You wake up in a strange place and have to find your way out. Can you find your friends again?


  • look {item}: Looks at things. room, map, objects.
  • inv(entory): Checks your inventory and prints descriptions out.
  • get {item}: Gets items from room.
  • oper(ate) {object}: How you use objects: doors, computers, etc.
  • com(bine) {item} with/on {item}: allows you to combine items. Use 'self' to use an item on you.
  • drop {item}: Allows you to get rid of an item.
  • score: Allows the player to check current progress in-game.
  • use {item} With/on {item}: how you use things with other things.
  • go {location}: How you change rooms.
  • save: How you save your game.
  • hint: Gives you a hint towards finishing the game.
  • stat: Prints stats on commands used.
  • end: Exit game and will ask to save or not.
