CreateGoogleProject - laurentalacoque/TouchSelfie-extended GitHub Wiki

Why should I need a Google Developers Project?

Access to sensitive informations of your Google account needs to be protected by a security mechanism named OAuth 2.0

For this, you need to:

  • setup a project on the Google Developers Console,
  • add access rights to the services you need (namely Gmail Service and Google Photos Library Service) and
  • download a 'client secret' file that links TouchSelfie to your Google Project.

The remainder of this article will guide you through this.

Why don't you setup a global application that we could use?

Your Security and My Quota.

By retrieving yourself application credentials, you basically authorize yourself to access your own google account and you can revoke this whenever you want. Also, Application Credentials have a daily limit of free use, If I were to provide you my own credentials, a group of users would consume this quota in no time, leaving everybody with a bad experience.

Do I need to do this?


All this is optionnal.

However if you want to be able to send emails in TouchSelfie OR you want TouchSelfie to automatically upload photos to your Google Photos Library then yes, you'll need to do this.

If this is the case, keep on reading, otherwise no need to bother ;)

Ok, let's create my project then :(

Create a new project

Enable the Google APIs you need

The next step is to enable the APIs you need.

  • If you need to upload photos taken by TouchSelfie to a Google Photo Album, you will need to enable Google Photos API
  • If you need to be able to send photos by mail from TouchSelfie you will need to enable the Gmail API
  • If you don't need any of these, why are you still reading this? Seriously...

Enable an API for your project

Verify informations and download your project credentials

We're almost done here. The next step will be to verify that all the wanted API are activated for your project and download the credentials file that will link TouchSelfie with your Google Account

All Good? Let's create credentials!

Phew! Our credentials are created, let's download them!

Final step: install the credentials in TouchSelfie directory

  • Locate your TouchSelfie installation directory
  • copy and paste the file you just downloaded into the TouchSelfie/scripts directory
  • rename the file to TouchSelfie/scripts/google_client_id.json

You're done!