citations - laureate-institute-for-brain-research/StimTool3 GitHub Wiki


LIBR Task Citations
Adjective Matthews, S. C., Simmons, A. N., Strigo, I. A., Arce, E., Stein, M. B., & Paulus, M. P. (2010). Escitalopram attenuates posterior cingulate activity during self-evaluation in healthy volunteers. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 182(2), 81-87.
Aliens Sharp, M. E., Foerde, K., Daw, N. D., & Shohamy, D. (2016). Dopamine selectively remediates ‘model-based’ reward learning: a computational approach. Brain, 139(2), 355-364.
ApproachAvoidanceConflict Aupperle, R. L., Melrose, A. J., Francisco, A., Paulus, M. P., & Stein, M. B. (2015). Neural substrates of approach‐avoidance conflict decision‐making. Human brain mapping, 36(2), 449-462.

McDermott, T. J., Kirlic, N., Akeman, E., Touthang, J., Clausen, A. N., Kuplicki, R., & Aupperle, R. L. (2021). Test–retest reliability of approach‐avoidance conflict decision‐making during functional magnetic resonance imaging in healthy adults. Human Brain Mapping, 42(8), 2347-2361.
AttentionFaces Ironside, M., et al., Effect of Prefrontal Cortex Stimulation on Regulation of Amygdala Response to Threat in Individuals With Trait Anxiety: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Psychiatry, 2019. 76(1): p. 71-78.
Bandit Smith, R., Schwartenbeck, P., Stewart, J. L., Kuplicki, R., Ekhtiari, H., Paulus, M. P., & Tulsa 1000 Investigators. (2020). Imprecise action selection in substance use disorder: Evidence for active learning impairments when solving the explore-exploit dilemma. Drug and alcohol dependence, 215, 108208.
ColdPressor DeVille, D. C., Kuplicki, R., Stewart, J. L., Paulus, M. P., Khalsa, S. S., & Tulsa 1000 Investigators. (2020). Diminished responses to bodily threat and blunted interoception in suicide attempters. Elife, 9, e51593.
CueReactivity Ekhtiari, H., Kuplicki, R., Pruthi, A., & Paulus, M. (2020). Methamphetamine and Opioid Cue Database (MOCD): development and validation. Drug and alcohol dependence, 209, 107941.

Ekhtiari, H., Kuplicki, R., Aupperle, R. L., & Paulus, M. P. (2021). It is never as good the second time around: Brain areas involved in salience processing habituate during repeated drug cue exposure in treatment engaged abstinent methamphetamine and opioid users. NeuroImage, 238, 118180.
Driving Huang, H., Movellan, J., Paulus, M. P., & Harle, K. M. (2015). The influence of depression on cognitive control: disambiguating approach and avoidance tendencies. PloS one, 10(11), e0143714.
DrugStressReactivity New for PASO—no citations yet, but maybe include a reference for Rajita’s version.
FearConditioning Park, H., Kirlic, N., Kuplicki, R., Aupperle, R., Bodurka, J., Khalsa, S. S., ... & Guinjoan, S. (2022). Neural processing dysfunctions during fear learning but not reward-related processing characterize depressed individuals with high levels of repetitive negative thinking. Biological psychiatry: cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging.
InteroceptiveAwareness Avery, J. A., Drevets, W. C., Moseman, S. E., Bodurka, J., Barcalow, J. C., & Simmons, W. K. (2014). Major depressive disorder is associated with abnormal interoceptive activity and functional connectivity in the insula. Biological psychiatry, 76(3), 258-266.
MonetaryIncentiveDelay Knutson, B., Westdorp, A., Kaiser, E., & Hommer, D. (2000). FMRI visualization of brain activity during a monetary incentive delay task. Neuroimage, 12(1), 20-27.

White, E. J., Kuplicki, R., Stewart, J. L., Kirlic, N., Yeh, H. W., Paulus, M. P., ... & T1000 Investigators. (2021). Latent variables for region of interest activation during the monetary incentive delay task. NeuroImage, 230, 117796.
NCAIR New for NCAIR—no citations yet
Neurosociometer Dedovic, K., Slavich, G. M., Muscatell, K. A., Irwin, M. R., & Eisenberger, N. I. (2016). Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex responses to repeated social evaluative feedback in young women with and without a history of depression. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 10, 64.
NPU Schmitz, A., & Grillon, C. (2012). Assessing fear and anxiety in humans using the threat of predictable and unpredictable aversive events (the NPU-threat test). Nature protocols, 7(3), 527-532.
PlanningTask Lally, N., Huys, Q. J., Eshel, N., Faulkner, P., Dayan, P., & Roiser, J. P. (2017). The neural basis of aversive Pavlovian guidance during planning. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(42), 10215-10229.
StopSignal Schuckit, M. A., Tapert, S., Matthews, S. C., Paulus, M. P., Tolentino, N. J., Smith, T. L., ... & Simmons, A. (2012). fMRI differences between subjects with low and high responses to alcohol during a stop signal task. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 36(1), 130-140.

Spechler, P. A., Stewart, J. L., Kuplicki, R., Paulus, M. P., & Tulsa 1000 Investigators. (2020). Parsing impulsivity in individuals with anxiety and depression who use Cannabis. Drug and alcohol dependence, 217, 108289.
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