running task - laureate-institute-for-brain-research/Planning-Task GitHub Wiki

How to Run this Task

  1. Open up PscychoPy3
  2. Open the script in coder view
  3. Click on the Green Running man icon. (or press Ctrl-R) to open up Experiment Runner View
  4. Make sure is highlighted and the path is in C:\Planning-Task\
  5. Click on the Green Running Man Icon. (or Run) to run the script. This should open stim tool dialog.

On StimTool to run Practice Session

  1. Enter a Subject ID, Administrator ID, select PlanningTask_PracticeSession.TL for Experiment Order
  2. Press OK (this will start up the task)

**Note: You could also select free but that will give you additional options to select the task, as well as the run order. (This only applies to when there are additional tasks, runs. However, this repo only contains 1 task and 1 run)

On StimTool to run Scan Session

  1. Enter a Subject ID, Administrator ID, select PlanningTask_ScanSession.TL for Experiment Order
  2. Press OK (this will start up the task)

**Exit Note: Pressing the esc key will escape you out of the task at any point.

Key Mapping

This task is used alongside a button box but using the numerical keys on the keyboard shouls ssuffice. Here is the mapping:

Blue  - 1 key 
Yellow - 2 key
Green - 3 key
Red - 4 key

Saved Files

Output Data will get saved to C:/PlanningTask_Temp_Storage/ If folder doesn't exist, StimTool will create it. To modify this location, it can be set in the PlanningTask_PracticeSession.params file under output_dir

or for the Scan Session PlanningTask_ScanSession.params