Installation - laudeco/dolibar-stock-manager GitHub Wiki

To install the tool ...


To run the tool locally.


  • Docker
  • Having a running instance of Dolibarr with the API enables


  1. configure the parameters (config/services.yml)

    dolibarr_uri: 'docker.for.mac.localhost/api/index.php/' # Define the URI to API of Dolibarr.

    inventory_min: 1 #The min value for the random number before a new inventory check
    inventory_max: 1 #The max value for the random number before a new inventory check
    app_inventory_label: 'Correction du stock'  #Label for an inventory check movement
    app_mouvement_label: 'Mouvement'  #Default label for a movement
    app_barcode_type: 'code_128_reader' #The type of the barcode to choose between one of the supported type

    db_basepath: '../../data/nosql'  #The path for the storage data.
  1. Install the dependencies
make composer-install
  1. Execute the command
make up
  1. Open the application
make open


Currently, to install the tool, you need:

  1. Download the repository
  2. Install the dependencies by running
composer install --no-dev -o
  1. configure the parameters (config/services.yml)

    dolibarr_uri: 'docker.for.mac.localhost/api/index.php/' # Define the URI to API of Dolibarr.

    inventory_min: 1 #The min value for the random number before a new inventory check
    inventory_max: 1 #The max value for the random number before a new inventory check
    app_inventory_label: 'Correction du stock'  #Label for an inventory check movement
    app_mouvement_label: 'Mouvement'  #Default label for a movement
    app_barcode_type: 'code_128_reader' #The type of the barcode to choose between one of the supported type

    db_basepath: '../../data/nosql'  #The path for the storage data.
  1. navigate to rootProject/public/index.php