Generel rules for Codenames - latedude2/P3_programming-server GitHub Wiki

The game "Codenames" requires at least 4 people. These 4 people are divided into two teams, each team consisting of an instructor and a guesser.

The game starts by displaying 25 words/cards to all the players (typically in a 5 by 5 layout).

At the same time, the instructors for both teams are shown which of these words belong to their team, which belong to the other team, and which is the assassin-card (The assassin-card is an insta-loose card, where the team looses if the guesser chooses it). The starting team has 8 words in their color that they must guess, while the other team only has 7.

Now the game is ready to begin:

  • The instructor on the starting team(Instr1) comes up with a single hint word to try and help their teammate guess some of their word-cards. They convey this hint-word followed by a nuumber (ex: Circus, 3), the number indicates the number of word-cards connected to this hint, and dictates the number of guesses the guesser on their team(Guess1) can make.

  • Now Guess1 begins to guess words one at a time, to a maximum of the number given by Instr1, after each guess the color of the word is displayed to the guessers. If the word they chose belongs to their team, they can move on to the next guess; however, if it is a neutral card, or it belongs to the other team then their turn ends (the opposite team gets a point if their card is chosen), and if it is the assasin-card they loose the game.

  • Next Instr2 takes their turn giving a hint-word and a number.

  • Then Guess2 starts guessing words for their team.

This back and forth is repeated untill either: One team guesses the assassin-card, or one team has all their cards guessed/revealed.