(v3) Internals' Documentation - lat9/vat4eu GitHub Wiki

Design Notes

This article identifies the various changes provided by VAT4EU versions prior to v4.0.0.

Storefront Changes

VAT4EU provides

  • The gathering of a business customer's VAT Number, possibly to provide a means for a store to provide a VAT refund to that business customer.
  • Inclusion of the customer's entered VAT Number in various displays of a formatted address.
  • Order-total modules (ot_vat_refund and ot_var_reverse_charges) that identify that a VAT Refund is provided to a customer's order and instructions regarding those reverse-charges, respectively.

Gathering a VAT Number

VAT4EU assumes that any VAT Number gathered is associated with a business customer's account, since a VAT refund is available for B2B purchases only. As such, the modification required to various address-gathering pages should be placed within the Company block of the page's template and should be accompanied by the setting of Configuration :: Customer Details :: Company to true. Here's the common snippet to be included in those pages' templates:

//-bof-vat4eu-lat9  *** 1 of 1 ***
    include $template->get_template_dir('tpl_modules_vat4eu_display.php', DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base, 'templates') . '/tpl_modules_vat4eu_display.php'; 
//-eof-vat4eu-lat9  *** 1 of 1 ***

The use of include instead of require is intentional, so that the associated page will still load, albeit with a PHP Warning, if the VAT4EU module is not present on the site!

VAT4EU supports, via its auto-loaded observer, the addition of a VAT Number entry on the following pages:

  • address_book_process, where the customer can provide a new or change an existing VAT Number.
  • checkout_one, where a customer can update the VAT Number on their current billing address or provide a VAT Number when creating a new permanent address. VAT Numbers aren't saved for temporary addresses, since there's no way for the site admin to make modifications once the order is placed!
  • checkout_payment_address, where the customer can include a VAT Number in a newly-registered payment address.
  • create_account, where a new customer can include a VAT Number at initial registration.
  • login, when the site has chosen to include the create_account processing as part of that page.

Adding a VAT Number to a Formatted Address

VAT4EU's auto-loaded observer watches for calls to zen_address_format on specific pages to provide any VAT Number addition to the requested address' formatting. If the address-array provided to that function contains a VAT Number, that value is conditionally (see below) appended to the formatted version of the address. That "incoming" address is provided in the 'address' element of the first (read-only) parameter provided by the function's NOTIFY_END_ZEN_ADDRESS_FORMAT notification.

Note: An installation of VAT4EU on a zc158a base requires core-file changes, the first as in zc200 via this merged PR. You'll need to edit the zc158a version of /includes/classes/Customer.php, changing the SQL query in getFormattedAddressBookList from

        $sql = "SELECT address_book_id,
                       entry_firstname AS firstname, entry_lastname AS lastname,
                       entry_company AS company, entry_street_address AS street_address,
                       entry_suburb AS suburb, entry_city AS city, entry_postcode AS postcode,
                       entry_state AS state,
                       entry_zone_id AS zone_id,
                       zone_name, zone_code AS zone_iso,
                       entry_country_id AS country_id,
                       countries_name AS country_name,
                       countries_iso_code_3 AS country_iso
                FROM " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " ab
                INNER JOIN " . TABLE_COUNTRIES . " c ON (ab.entry_country_id=c.countries_id)
                LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_ZONES . " z ON (ab.entry_zone_id=z.zone_id AND z.zone_country_id=c.countries_id)
                WHERE customers_id = :customersID
                ORDER BY firstname, lastname";


        $sql = "SELECT ab.*,
                       entry_firstname AS firstname, entry_lastname AS lastname,
                       entry_company AS company, entry_street_address AS street_address,
                       entry_suburb AS suburb, entry_city AS city, entry_postcode AS postcode,
                       entry_state AS state,
                       entry_zone_id AS zone_id,
                       zone_name, zone_code AS zone_iso,
                       entry_country_id AS country_id,
                       countries_name AS country_name,
                       countries_iso_code_3 AS country_iso
                FROM " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " ab
                INNER JOIN " . TABLE_COUNTRIES . " c ON (ab.entry_country_id=c.countries_id)
                LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_ZONES . " z ON (ab.entry_zone_id=z.zone_id AND z.zone_country_id=c.countries_id)
                WHERE customers_id = :customersID
                ORDER BY firstname, lastname";

An additional change, identified in this Zen Cart PR is to maintain those values on the zen_address_format function's notification. You'll need to edit /includes/functions/functions_addresses.php, finding the following line in the zen_address_format function:

    // store translated values into original array, just for the sake of the notifier
    $incoming = $address;

and changing it to:

    // store translated values into original array, just for the sake of the notifier
    $incoming = array_merge($incoming, $address);

Without those changes, VAT Numbers will not be included in a formatted address' output on zc158a!

account_history_info and checkout_success Pages

The billing-address' formatting contains the VAT Number, if recorded as part of the order's billing address.

address_book Page

Each request to zen_address_format contains an address' VAT Number, if supplied.

checkout_confirmation, checkout_one_confirmation and checkout_process Pages

If the formatting request is for the current $_SESSION['billto'], the formatted output includes any associated VAT Number. This is used on the checkout_process page to include the VAT Number in the to-be-generated order-confirmation email.

checkout_one Page

If the formatting request is issued in the presence of global $which; and $which is set to 'bill' (indicating that the bill-to section of the OPC addresses is being formatted), any formatted address is appended with its VAT Number. Noting that the zen_address_format might be called multiple times, once for the currently-selected address' format and once for each address in the customer's address_book for the drop-down selection of additional addresses.

Note: VAT Numbers are supported only for account-holders using permanent addresses!

checkout_payment and checkout_payment_address Pages

The Billing Address' format contains, if present, the associated VAT Number.

create_account_success Page

The customer's newly-created primary address contains its VAT Number, if supplied on the create_account page's form.

Order-Total Modules


A VAT refund is applied to the order if all of the following are true:

  1. A validated VAT Number is associated with the order's billing address.
  2. For non-virtual orders, the country to which the order is being shipped is in the list of configured EU countries.
  3. The ship-to country is either not the country from which the order is shipped (STORE_COUNTRY) or VAT refunds are enabled for in-country purchases.

If applied, the VAT refund (essentially refunding the order's tax) is subtracted from the order's total.


If the VAT is refundable, see above, this module displays explanatory text regarding the VAT reverse charges.