Examples - larswijn/CardSleeves GitHub Wiki


This page will have some examples of Sleeves and how to use them in other mods. You can also check out the source code to see how the 15 base sleeves are implemented, or other mods that have implemented Sleeves, such as SDM_0's implementation.

Reminder to use

if CardSleeve then
    -- sleeve code

The most basic Sleeve

A Sleeve with no effects.

CardSleeves.Sleeve {
    key = "example",
    atlas = "sleeve_atlas",  -- you will need to create an atlas yourself
    pos = { x = 0, y = 0 },
    loc_txt = {
        name = "Example Sleeve",
        text = { "Does nothing" }

A Sleeve that uses CardSleeve's default atlas

If you'd like to use CardSleeve's default sprites as placeholders, add prefix_config = {atlas=false} and point the atlas to "casl_sleeve_atlas".

CardSleeves.Sleeve {
    prefix_config = {atlas=false},
    atlas = "casl_sleeve_atlas",
    pos = { x = 0, y = 0 },

A Sleeve with localization in a separate file

Assuming the mod name is test:

In test.lua

CardSleeves.Sleeve {
    key = "example",

In localization/default.lua or localization/en-us.lua

return {
    descriptions = {
        Sleeve = {
            sleeve_test_example = {  -- "sleeve_" + mod name + "_" + sleeve name
                name = "Example Sleeve",
                text = { "Does nothing" }

A Sleeve with actual effects

CardSleeves.Sleeve {
    key = "example",
    atlas = "sleeve_atlas",
    pos = { x = 1, y = 0 },
    config = { hands = 1 },
    loc_txt = {
        name = "Example Sleeve",
        text = { "{C:blue}+#1#{} hand", "every round" }
    loc_vars = function(self)
        return { vars = { self.config.hands } }

A Sleeve that changes effect based on the deck

This Sleeve normally gives +1 hand, but when combined with the blue deck gives +2 discards instead.

This will require a separate localization file! Again assuming the mod name is test.

In test.lua

CardSleeves.Sleeve {
    key = "example",
    loc_vars = function(self)
        local key, vars
        if self.get_current_deck_name() ~= "Blue Deck" then
            key = self.key
            self.config = { hands = 1 }
            vars = { self.config.hands }
            key = self.key .. "_alt"
            self.config = { discards = 2 }
            vars = { self.config.discards }
        return { key = key, vars = vars }

In localization/default.lua or localization/en-us.lua

return {
    descriptions = {
        Sleeve = {
            sleeve_test_example = {
                name = "Purple Sleeve",
                text = { "{C:blue}+#1#{} hand", "every round" }
            sleeve_test_example_alt = {
                name = "Purple Sleeve",
                text = { "{C:red}+#1#{} discards", "every round" }

A Sleeve with a custom apply()

If you create a Sleeve with a custom apply() method, the original no longer gets called, so call it if you need to.

CardSleeves.Sleeve {
    config = { joker_slot = 2, win_ante = 10 },
    apply = function(self)
        -- base apply does not support setting the win_ante, so we have to do it ourselves
        G.GAME.win_ante = self.config.win_ante

        -- pick one of the 2 next options to change joker slots
        -- option A: call base apply to apply the +2 joker slots:
        -- option B: apply the +2 joker slots yourself
        G.GAME.starting_params.joker_slots = G.GAME.starting_params.joker_slots + self.config.joker_slot

A Sleeve with a custom trigger_effect(args)

If you create a Sleeve with a custom trigger_effect(args) method, the original no longer gets called, so call it if you need to.

This Sleeve adds 10 chips and 1 mult as final scoring step.

CardSleeves.Sleeve {
    config = { chips_bonus = 10, mult_bonus = 1 },
    trigger_effect = function(self, args)
        CardSleeves.Sleeve.trigger_effect(self, args)  -- perform original trigger_effect (it does nothing in this case)
        if args.context == "final_scoring_step" then
            args.chips = args.chips + self.config.chips_bonus
            args.mult = args.mult + self.config.mult_bonus

            update_hand_text({delay = 0}, {mult = args.mult, chips = args.chips})  -- visual only
            return args.chips, args.mult  -- make sure to return chips/mult if you want to actually modify the score!

A Sleeve based on a deck

If a deck has an "independent" apply or trigger_effect, you might be able to simply reference it while creating the Sleeve for it instead of having to copy-paste the effect. Obviously does not work if you would like your sleeve to have a unique deck+sleeve effect. Assuming mod name is test.

SMODS.Back {
    key = "example",
    pos = {x = 0, y = 4},
    loc_txt = {
        name = "Example Deck",
        text = { "Adds loads of cards at every final scoring step" }
    trigger_effect = function(self, args)
        if args.context == "final_scoring_step" then
            for k, v in pairs(G.P_CARDS) do
                local s, r = string.sub(k, 1, 1), string.sub(k, 3, 3)
                card_from_control({s=s, r=r})  -- add to deck function in base balatro

CardSleeves.Sleeve {
    -- The example deck's trigger_effect does not use config values or similar, and can just be referenced here
    trigger_effect = SMODS.Back.obj_table["b_test_example"].trigger_effect

Modify one of the base sleeves

In case you'd like to modify the effects of one of the default sleeves.

Changing the config of a simple sleeve

local red_sleeve = CardSleeves.Sleeve:get_obj("sleeve_casl_red")
red_sleeve.config.discards = 10

Changing the config of a complicated (unique deck+sleeve effect) sleeve

Some sleeves reset their own config constantly depending on the selected deck. You will need to hook into loc_vars to change this behavior. You might also need to change the description (modify the returned key and create a localization for it) depending on the amount of changes you make.


local zodiac_sleeve = CardSleeves.Sleeve:get_obj("sleeve_casl_zodiac")

-- doesn't work!
zodiac_sleeve.config = { vouchers = {'v_tarot_merchant', 'v_planet_merchant', 'v_magic_trick' } }

-- we will need to hook loc_vars
local zodiac_sleeve_loc_vars_ref = zodiac_sleeve.loc_vars
zodiac_sleeve.loc_vars = function(self)
    if self.get_current_deck_name() ~= "Zodiac Deck" then
        self.config = { vouchers = {'v_tarot_merchant', 'v_planet_merchant', 'v_magic_trick' } }
        local key, vars = self.key, {}
        for _, voucher in pairs(self.config.vouchers) do
            vars[#vars+1] = localize{type = 'name_text', key = voucher, set = 'Voucher'}
        return { key = key, vars = vars}
        return zodiac_sleeve_loc_vars_ref(self)